搜索 Alexis

  • 伊丽莎白和约翰住在同一座城市,却来自截然不同的两个世界。两人炽热的初恋能否冲破阶级和文化的束缚?
  • 权势滔天的台湾帮会首领被神秘刺客暗杀,其长子 — 传奇杀手查尔斯·孙(钱裕扬饰)— 前往洛杉矶保护母亲艾琳(杨紫琼饰)和天真的弟弟布鲁斯(李松璞饰).在此之前,布鲁斯一直被保护的很好,完全不知道自己家庭的真相。   但是,当台北最致命的黑社会和一个新崛起的派系为争夺统治地位而针锋相对时,查尔斯、布鲁斯和他们的母亲必须治愈因分离而造成的创伤,并在无数敌人对他们下手之前,弄清楚兄弟情谊和家庭的真正含义。《孙家兄弟》是一部动作喜剧和家庭剧,由布拉德·法尔查克和拜伦·吴创作。
  • Lauren Pierce has just become the high-school Tri-State Archery Champion. After the competition, Lauren and her teammate Emily return to their hotel room for a night of irresponsible celebratory drinking that grows into more. When interrupted by Emily's abusive boyfriend, Lauren snaps and brutally beats Daniel. Lauren is then sentenced to a girls' reform camp Paradise Ridge, nestled in the mountains of California. But this reform camp turns out to be a corrupt and twisted prison that breaks young girls and keeps parents in the dark .With the help of Rebecca, a strong and provocative young woman whom Lauren befriends, the two escape the unsafe facility and fight for their lives out in the Utah wilderness; a journey of growth, acceptance and resilience of what they believe is right.
  • 多萝西是个电影导演,有点失败者。一天晚上,喝了几杯啤酒后,当制片人打来的电话扼杀了她的口碑时,她放松了自己的剧本:够了,现在是开始制作主流电影的时候了。为了避免陷入绝望的最深处,多萝西在她最喜欢的电视剧《吸血鬼杀手罗米》中寻求安慰。不幸的是,她自己的恶魔出现了。