搜索 福斯特

  •   David Harvey is a widower with a young son, Davey. They live on an isolated Ohio farm during the pioneer days. He wants his son to be raised in the manner his wife would have wanted - with proper schooling, Bible study and proper manners. Rachel, an indentured servant, is sold to David. David then marries her in order that little Davey would have a mother to properly raise him. David shows no real affection towards Rachel since this is a marriage of convenience. This all changes when Jim, a friend of the family comes for a visit. During his stay, David sees that there is more to Rachel than just being a "bonds woman", especially when Jim takes a liking to her. This awaken new feelings in David for Rachel.
  • In Zed and Addison's final year at school, Seabrook has become a haven for monsters and humans, but when intergalactic outsiders show up to compete in the Cheer-Off, Seabrook suspects that they may want more than a friendly competition.
  • 紧接前一集《皇家赌场》的剧情,由于爱人维斯佩的背叛,邦德(丹尼尔·克雷格 Daniel Craig 饰)的怒火被彻底激发,甚至在执行最新任务时都不得不尽量克制个人感情,以免把这次任务升级为个人恩怨。通过与M(朱迪·丹奇 Judi Dench 饰)对白先生(加斯帕·克里斯 滕森 Jesper Christensen 饰)的审问,得知维斯佩是被一个难以想象的犯罪组织所要挟。为了能查清楚这个组织的情况,邦德根据手上的线索顺藤摸瓜,最终把目标锁定在了一个名叫格林(马修·阿马立克 Mathieu Amalric 饰)的商人身上。经过不断的调查,最终发现了这个犯罪组织的惊天阴谋,想控制全球的自然资源。在随时可能遭遇背叛、谋杀和骗局的情况下,邦德再次出击……最终成功挫败了这个惊天阴谋。   在这一集的片头,性感火辣的舞女轮廓将回归这部经典系列电影的片头。
  • 英国政府派007邦德(肖恩·康纳利 Sean Connery 饰)前往加勒比海调查一桩情报人员被杀案件,007几经调查,推测死者应该与蟹礁岛上的诺博士有关。诺博士在这个神秘的小岛上正进行着不为人知的阴谋计划,紧锣密鼓进行一项将要统治世界的科学实验。双方开始了斗智斗勇的战 争,诺博士派来了女间谍,企图监测007的一举一动乘机将其制服,不料反被007识破诡计。而渔民库洛及潜水员莱特(乌苏拉·安德丝 Ursula Andress 饰)成为了007的得力助手,然而,诺博士对007此行早有准备,007与美女助手陷入重重困境。眼看007就要葬身荒岛,事情却来了惊天逆转。
  • 一名网红和朋友们在遭受残暴的袭击幸存下来的一年后发现自己再次陷入一个危险的黑暗网络可怕组织的包围之中,这个组织想要不惜一切代价向她们进行复仇。