- 跟随柯南·奥布莱恩拜访他通过播客《柯南·奥布莱恩需要一个朋友》(2018)结识的新朋友,与来自全国和全球的观众进行深入讨论。 柯南在给粉丝带来惊喜的同时,也领略了当地的文化、美食和景点。
- Sarah(Shirley Henderson饰)和Tom(Alan Tudyk饰)陷入了严重的财务困境。眼看就要失去一切,这对夫妇想办法为他们在伦敦的住宅找到了买家。当他们邀请最好的朋友Richard(Rufus Sewell饰)和Beth(Olivia Williams饰)来这座住宅共享最后一顿晚餐时,一位不请自来的老朋友Jessica(Indira Varma饰)也跟着来了。 在一场看似微不足道的争吵之后,Jessica在花园里上吊自杀了。Sarah意识到如果买家发现了这件事,就不会购买这座住宅,也就会导致自己的家庭破产。于是Sarah和Tom说服Richard和Beth一起把尸体带到Jessica自己的公寓,造成Jessica在自己家里自杀的假象。然而,意想不到的事情发生了……
- It’s 1958 and trouble is brewing in the Cambridgeshire village of Grantchester. Reverend Will Davenport (Tom Brittney) relishes his role as a firebrand vicar, willing to rock the boat and challenge conventions to help people. But the very role he loves put him at odds with his own ideals when his kind-hearted curate, Leonard Finch (Al Weaver) is caught up in a scandal. Will’s b...