- In this animated musical comedy, Owen Tillerman and his family live an unconventional life in New York’s bustling Central Park, which Owen manages. Now, they’ll have to fend off a wealthy hotel heiress who wants to turn the park into condos. The series comes from Emmy? Award-winner Loren Bouchard (Bob’s Burgers) with voice cast including Josh Gad, Leslie Odom Jr., Emmy Raver-La...
- Netflix宣布将预定由苏斯博士的经典童话《绿蛋和火腿》(Green Eggs and Ham)改编的同名动画剧集,共13集。该动画由迪斯尼《无敌破坏王》编剧Jared Stern、名嘴Ellen DeGeneres、Jeff Kleeman及华纳动画共同制作。《绿蛋和火腿》将耗时三年制作,预计于2018年同观众见面。同时这也将是史上最贵的电视动画剧集。