搜索 Ángel

  •   Finally, Anton fell in love and married Yuni, who was also his wife's friend, Nuri. Even though Yuni and Nuri had promised not to pursue each other's partners, Nuri decided to let go because she had experienced multiple miscarriages. In the end, Nuri felt disappointed because Anton did not fulfill his promise to be fair. Yuni started experiencing supernatural terror during her pregnancy, which made her fall ill and led to conflicts with Bude. This situation led Yuni to choose Nuri to take care of her while Anton was away. What will happen when the first and second wives are under the same roof? Yuni's mother realized the danger that could befall her child and future grandchildren, but it was too late. Will the supernatural terror against Yuni end or escalate further?
  •   15 岁的男孩布鲁诺与母亲和弟弟住在巴西的一个小镇上。某天,他从眼科医生那里得知自己患了眼病,即将失明。与此同时,他也正在经历青春期的困惑和苦痛。哈罗德·博尔赫斯独立执导的首部作品,他从1300 多名试镜者中选拔出小演员,在他们的合作中,重新设计了部分场景,并修改了剧本,赋予电影更多的现实主义元素。而演员也通过其自然清新的演技,将主人公面对悲惨未来时苦乐参半的情感演绎得颇为真实,共同成就了一部具有纪录片风格的成长电影。荣获2022年马德普拉塔电影节国际竞赛单元最佳影片奖。
  •   A man in the final stages of AIDS is cared for by his sister and mother and grandmother.
  • After breaking out of his confinement, Charlie cuts the ship's power www.xiaokan.cc once again and embarks on a murderous rampage. As Olivia finds herself one step closer to Rachel, Gloria pulls away from Wilde.
  •   本剧由John Singleton创作,故事关于1980年代洛杉矶的毒品交易蔓延。FX 原创剧集的联合总裁Eric Schrier表示:“很开心不论是观众、批评还是称赞在第二季都有了十足的进步。我们创造性的团队已经交出了一份非常满意的答案,我们对第三季有非常高的期待。”