- Antonio is a 30 yo family man, whose life finds an unexpected twist when he's suddenly dumped by his husband, whom he depends both psychologically and economically: he needs to find a new place to stay, a job and a new purpose in life. Antonio finds a room in an apartment owned by Denis and starts to work in a bakery owned by Luca, while attending pastry school. Through this pr...
- 39岁的布伦南?哈夫(威尔?法瑞尔 Will Ferrell 饰)无业,一直在母亲南希(玛丽?斯汀伯根 Mary Steenburgen 饰)家蹭吃蹭住。40岁的戴尔?多巴克(约翰?赖利 John Reilly 饰)也是个与父亲罗伯特(理查德?詹金斯 Richard Jenkins 饰)住在一起的大龄男,靠父亲的接济生活。南希与罗伯特一见钟情,婚后搬入罗伯特家居住,布伦南也随母亲一起搬入,从此被迫以继兄弟的身份与戴尔同处一室。二人从相互敌视逐渐成为最佳拍档,共同对付布伦南的优秀弟弟德里克(亚当?斯科特 Adam Scott 饰),玩闹得不亦乐乎。可没想到他们的胡作非为却毁了父母刚建立起来的美满婚姻,二人后悔万分,终于决定痛改前非……
- Young university student Hugo (Gustav Lindh) falls in love with promising violinist Agnes (Evin Ahmad), but something happens that changes his life completely. Moving on, the story turns into a romantic drama-comedy with great portions of humour and warmth, as Hugo ends up at Circus Marg?t and is drawn into that absorbing existence.
- 这是一部典型的美国英雄主义电影。香港回归前夕,国际恐怖组织和香港的造假巨头准备抢在回归前完成一项走私活动――将一批香港生产的内藏微型炸弹的假冒名牌V6牛仔裤偷运到美国。幸好美国中情局及早察觉了恐怖分子的计划,于是先后派出了特工哈利(保罗?索尔维诺 Paul Sorvino 饰)、汤米(罗伯?施奈德 Rob Schneider 饰)和凯伦(莱拉?罗尚 Lela Rochon 饰)前往香港调查。 不料道高一尺魔高一丈,中情局的特工来到香港后先后和局里失去联系身陷囫囵。中情局无奈之下,只好请香港警方出面帮忙调查。香港警方在v6牛仔裤香港供货商马库斯(尚格?云顿 Jean-Claude Van Damme 饰)的帮助下,展开了一场惊心动魄的反恐行动。