搜索 Im

  • A group of friends listen as one man tells them a story about a time when, in a small cafe, he discovered a peephole into the ladies' bathroom and became addicted to looking through it at female genitals. They ask him questions and come to conclusions about sex. This is a filmed, scripted version. Then, the actual person who this happened to relates the same story; this time, h...
  • 麦克进入居住了大批僵尸的坟场中,他遭到了来自四面八方僵尸的攻击。四周一片漆黑,恐惧和惊慌吞噬着他的心。为了生存,他只有拼命地漫无目的四处奔跑。然而,僵尸和恶魔在他气息的指引下紧紧地追赶着他,不知他能否逃出生机……
  •   The story follows father Baby and son Sibi navigating three intertwined romantic storylines set against Kattappana's scenic backdrop, blending humor with relatable love tales for a multigenerational audience.
  •   阿罗玛尔和安比丽喜结连理。阿罗玛尔非常激动和高兴能与安比丽开始新生活,但就在新婚之夜,发生了一件让整个家庭陷入复杂境地的意外事件。
  • 12岁的男孩杰山是个跑步天才,但是他生活不如意,他在学校里被老师和同学孤立,他的父母离婚,而他只能与终日醉酒的父亲一起生活,小小的肩膀过早的承担了照顾家人的重担,唯一热切盼望的就是拿到学校跑步竞赛的冠军,为了这个目标,他一路奔跑,直到精疲力尽。电影朴实而真诚地描绘了吉尔吉斯斯坦少年的成长困境,令人唏嘘。