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  • 布鲁诺(Claude Legault 饰)和西尔维(Fanny Mallette 饰)是一对感情十分要好的夫妻,两人养育着乖巧可爱的女儿杰斯敏(Rose-Marie Coallier 饰),生活很是平静与幸福。无奈天降横祸,一次意外中,杰斯敏竟然被一变态凶手玷污并且杀害了,面临着巨大的打击,布鲁诺和西尔维的精神都到达了濒临崩溃的边缘。   尽管最终凶手被警方捉拿归案,但布鲁诺心中的愤怒却并没有因此而有半点减轻,法律可以惩奸除恶,却并不能为布鲁诺带来救赎,一个念头在他的脑海中诞生了。布鲁诺绑架并囚禁了凶手,在未来的七天里,他决定对其施加肉体上的最大痛苦,最后手刃仇敌。可是,仇恨真的能够因此而消失吗?在给予敌人痛苦的同时,布鲁诺也如同身处地狱之中。
  • 本片出自奥斯卡最佳外语片导演保罗·索伦蒂诺之手,是他继《绝美之城》《年轻的教宗》《新教宗》之后的最新力作。索伦蒂诺回到家乡讲述他至今最私密的故事,融合命运与家人、运动与电影、爱与失去等题材。故事背景设于1980年代动荡不安的那不勒斯,主角是名叫法贝托·希萨的少年。剧情充满出乎意料的欢乐桥段,像是足球传奇迭戈·马拉多纳的到来,但也少不了突如其来的悲剧,但命运不正是如此吗?人生悲喜交织,法贝托在这过程中一步步朝未来迈进。
  • Marie, an independent and militant sex worker who has never needed to rely on anyone, not even to raise her son. When the latter is thrown off his post-graduate cookery course, Marie is unable to make her peace with it. Dreaming of a greater future for him, she decides to sign him up for one of the best cookery schools in France, but her income won’t cover the tuition fees. She...
  • 当会计师的丈夫被绑架的之后,安妮·布拉德肖极不情愿报了警。很快,她发现自己爱上了探长,她的生活开始变得颠倒。
  • Sin and Illy have a plan on a Greek island they want to get 'clean' on their own. But the intention of the two girls fails already on the way to the airport. Finally Sin realizes she has to go the way out of heroin addiction all alone.