搜索 Hu

  • Cinderella's Hot Night presents a lively retelling of the classic fairy tale...with a slightly more mature, erotic twist. Follow the adventures of the bewildered Cindy as she falls prey to her wicked sex-crazed benefactor all the while pining for her secret love, a noble European Prince. With the help of her smoking hot Fairy Godmother, Cindy finally realizes her dream of becom...
  • 善熙在前往好友美淑家的路上,惊讶地发现一个黑人男子在追她。原来这个黑人是她朋友的男友安迪。在与这对情侣聊天时,善熙注意到安迪裤子里鼓鼓囊囊的东西,让她大吃一惊。美淑看到朋友的尴尬反应,兴奋不已,便和男友进入房间做爱。听到朋友的呻吟声后,善熙以请吃饭为借口叫来男友俊浩并与他发生了关系。同时,美淑虽然喜欢与安迪做爱,但因为沟通不畅对他的某些行为感到不满,于是向对安迪感兴趣的善熙建议交换伴侣。对美淑有意的俊浩假装难以拒绝,同意与她发生关系。美淑随后向自由恋爱的男友提议与善熙做爱,而对善熙有兴趣的安迪也同意了这种交换。
  • 载成与石镇下班后喝酒,贞熙因时间已晚为由劝石镇留宿,因为宿醉到厨房喝水的石镇,碰上了躲避载成打呼声的贞熙,石镇借着醉意摸了一下贞熙的臀部,贞熙虽然生气质问,却也因着酒精催化,两人不知不觉做了起来,熟睡的石镇完全不知情,载成隔天也装作没事正常上班。
  •   The most cutting-edge genre shorts, which were invited by Sitges International Fantastic Film Festival, won BEST KOREAN SHORT FILM award from Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival and also won BEST DIRECTOR award from Jeonju international film festival would get together. You can see intensive violence, breathtaking fear, and attractive femme-fatale in this film.
  • 一名网红和朋友们在遭受残暴的袭击幸存下来的一年后发现自己再次陷入一个危险的黑暗网络可怕组织的包围之中,这个组织想要不惜一切代价向她们进行复仇。