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  • 伊拉克的两个库尔德人冒着生命危险去实现他们的梦想,那就是去见足球英雄克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多。
  •   一个印度女孩因为不愿意接受父母安排的婚事而来到美国。在这里她结识了一个美国女孩,两人很快成为好朋友。在好朋友的介绍下她逐渐开始接触美国的男生,但是文化背景的巨大差异让她苦恼不已,但是好事多磨,最后女主终于找到了自己的意中人,收获了完美的爱情。
  • 10-year-old Vinski feels like an outsider and invisible among his age-mates, and even with his single mother Krista. Vinski meets a mysterious pharmacist who gives him a bottle of magical powder. A powder, that allows you to become invisible for real and walk through walls. It is fantastic to have the powers of a super hero, but soon a group of crooks becomes interested in the secret of invisibility as well.
  • Coming as it does from the depths of the Stalinist regime, the Russian Road to Life is a remarkably optimistic film. A host of nonprofessional children are cast as Moscow street kids, left homeless by the Bolshevik revolution. They get into all sorts of melodramatic scrapes until they're rounded up by kindly, altruistic Soviet functionaries. The children are reformed (in the nicest possible way) and made useful members of society. Road to Life is simplistic in its solutions to society's problems, albeit no more so than the usual Hollywood product from the same period.
  • 无产阶级革命家、共产苏联的缔造者列宁(Leonid Mozgovoy 饰),同样无法逃脱生老病死的自然规律。他年事已高,且疾病缠身,愈来愈疲惫的身心再也无法应付党内党外的政治斗争,眼睁睁看着党内新贵取代自己的位置。而他,这个曾经风光无限的领袖只能偏居一隅,等待死亡的临近,任凭世人将其从记忆中渐渐抹去……  本片荣获2002年俄罗斯电影尼卡奖最佳男主角(Leonid Mozgovoy)、最佳女主角(Mariya Kuznetsova)、最佳摄影、最佳导演、最佳影片、最佳制作和最佳剧本等七项大奖;2001年俄罗斯影评人协会最佳男主角、最佳女主角、最佳摄影、最佳导演、最佳影片、最佳艺术指导和最佳剧本等七项大奖。