搜索 Bea

  • 萨姆,一个追求更好生活的聪明的电脑黑客,似乎总是做出错误的选择,甚至在他的缓刑官哈里的监视下现在,萨姆被禁止使用互联网,只能和他最好的朋友、黑客伙伴斯坦利一起吃快餐,他摆出一个邮政工人的姿势,偷别人的邮件来维持生计。直到一个字母改变了一切。这封信是美丽的乔西写给她死去的丈夫,一位在阿富汗阵亡的海军陆战队士兵的。他不顾一切地想要得到这样的爱,开始追随乔西,偷取更多的信件,直到最后找到了介绍自己的勇气。萨姆和乔西越走越近,她对新的生活充满热情,因为他想起了童年时代遗留下来的价值观。但是,当萨姆的过去以一个咄咄逼人的联邦调查局探员的身份追上他,丢失了比特币时,命运就来了。乔西发现真相时,她必须决定如果背叛将迫使她回壳或给她力量跟随心声的梦想,而萨姆必须选择,再次成为他的过去的错误或病人的最后站起来,成为他总是想成为的那个人。
  • Jonas, a 40 something Parisian, is still desperately in love with his ex-girlfriend Léa. When he knocks on her door to confess his feelings and she turns him down, he ends up at the café downstairs.  Inspiration strikes and he sits down to write her a long love letter, dodging everything he was supposed to do that day. What begins as a last attempt to get her back surprisingly turns into a vivid musing on the state of his life.  Over the course of a day, helped by a wisecracking bartender and an array of patrons from the neighborhood, Jonas has to face his past relationships, his uncertain future and, most of all, himself.
  • Netflix正式拿下迈克尔·迈耶([海鸥])执导的LGBTQ浪漫喜剧[单身到底](Single All the Way,暂译)全球发行权。影片由迈克尔·尤瑞、菲利蒙·钱伯斯(Philemon Chambers)、卢克·马可法莱恩领衔主演,讲述为了避免家人对自己永久单身身份的判断,皮特(尤瑞饰)说服他最好的朋友尼克(钱伯斯饰)和他一起度假,并假装他们正在交往中。但当皮特的母亲安排她英俊的健身教练詹姆斯(马可法莱恩饰)与皮特相亲后,皮特的整个计划都产生了变化。
  •   Lila had a dream to become a dancer since she's a little. She went to Paris trying to make her dream come true. But soon she found out it's not what she thought, her dream was disillusioned. Then she decided to be as a stand-up comedian and a famous one to make her father proud..
  • 苏雷曼从巴勒斯坦逃离,渴望前往新的家园生活,却意识到自己的故土如影随形。对新生活的期待很快沦为一个荒谬的笑话:从巴黎到纽约,不管他走到哪里,总有些地方让他想起祖国。在这一部关于探索身份、国籍和归属感的喜剧故事里,苏雷曼提出了一个本质性的问题:我们能够真正称之为家的地方到底在哪儿?