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  • 安娜·肯德里克加盟主演狮门影业全女性主角惊悚片[亲爱的爱丽丝](Alice, Darling,暂译)。该片为玛丽·奈姬(《投行风云》)的长片处女作, 阿兰娜·弗朗西斯撰写了剧本,卡司还包括乌米·马萨库([异国阴宅])、卡内赫迪奥·霍恩([在路上])、查理·卡里克(《深水》)。影片讲述了爱丽丝(肯德里克饰)的古怪行径。她对她两个最好的朋友(马萨库、霍恩分饰)隐瞒了,她交往了一个善变的男友(卡里克饰)的秘密。当三人去外地旅行时,一个当地女孩失踪了,而爱丽丝的男友又不请自来,所有的秘密都被揭露了。该片目前在加拿大拍摄中。
  • A former army colonel comes from a village to live in the city with her daughters where he finds it hard to adapt with the modern life.
  • Set in ?lesund, A Human Position is a slow-paced film that unfolds in successive tableaux, to form a complete picture of the subtle changes and events that make up one's life. It explores the persistence of memory and trauma, the definition of one's moral values, and the possibility of joy.   Asta is a journalist in ?lesund who seems plunged in a melancholic state, for a reason w...
  • 阳光明媚的假日海滩,又迎来各方游客,杰西一家也在海滩搭起了帐篷。杰西惊喜地发现阔别数年的鲸鱼威利和它的海洋家族竟然又游回了这个海域,令他激动不已。一艘大型游船在海上意外触礁,船体漏油,污染了大片海域。鲸鱼家族的生命又危在旦夕!如何让鲸鱼脱离危险?如何不让坏人得逞他们的捕捞计划?杰西和大家再次开始了救援行动。
  • Sin and Illy have a plan on a Greek island they want to get 'clean' on their own. But the intention of the two girls fails already on the way to the airport. Finally Sin realizes she has to go the way out of heroin addiction all alone.