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  • 这一切都始于1919年,年轻的奥斯塔普·特兰达努布斯遇见了易卜拉欣·本德。是骗子,是骗子,是土耳其公民。他们加入了一场不可思议的冒险——寻找一根金杖,一件沙皇俄国的珍贵遗物。然后奥斯塔普会找到并打开十二把椅子寻找钻石,但目前,易卜拉欣和他的目标是找到并打开...
  •   To Elena, existence is an effort—not only does she struggle against her body affected by Parkinson’s, but her daughter has just shown up dead and only she finds the suicide hypothesis implausible. Elena is not a good victim, and doesn’t show signs of having been a selfless mother. She is vulnerable, but also overcome by rage and sorrow, and that stubbornness seems to render her invincible, against all odds. But investigating the reasons for her daughter’s death soon becomes a trip through memory, and, as we’ve known since the time of Greek tragedies, every investigation is, deep down, an investigation about oneself. Elena Knows submerges us in the physical and mental experience of its protagonist and, at the same time, invites us to ask ourselves uncomfortable questions about aging, the complexity of mother-daughter bonds and the weight of those mandates women drag the same way Elena drags her feet.
  •  妓女吉娜和她的客户弗朗索瓦决定开一家水疗中心,他们的特点是:"按摩师 "也是妓师,当客户享用服务的时候,他们也可以看着其他客户被服务。   当其中一个女客户发现她的丈夫在隔壁房间时,事情就变得扑朔迷离了。
  • 阴险的富豪安东尼·莱文雇佣了前军官大卫·盖拉去营救被游击队首领哈维尔·马丁内斯绑架的妻子瓦伦蒂娜。大卫在找到瓦伦蒂娜才知道,瓦伦蒂娜与哈维尔原为一对心心相印的恋人,因为安东尼的巧取豪夺而分离。大卫决定帮助瓦伦蒂娜与哈维尔,让他们脱离安东尼远走高飞,事件的进展却并不如想像中的那般顺利。
  •   亚历山大·斯特恩,又名艾斯,是一名私家侦探,有一位非常要好的小兄弟玛克丝。一日,日本人村田找到他,雇佣他寻找一位老妇人,要和她进行一笔房产交易,但是老妇人在克鲁律师的协助下,已经将房产卖给其他人。  日本人又盯上另一处房产,房产的主人便是玛克丝的外祖父格诺,但是格诺在去往律师事务所的途中被人杀害,艾斯亲眼目睹了这一切。格诺的继承人是玛克丝的母亲格蒂——一个患有精神病的妇人,不幸的是,格蒂也被神秘暗杀了,而艾斯仍旧是目击者。  玛克丝成了唯一的合法继承人,而他似乎正被克鲁律师所控制,艾斯要救他的兄弟于危难之中,没想到,自己却无故进了警察局,接受审讯。与此同时,玛克丝已将房产卖给了村田,准备带着钱环游世界,愿望没达成,他被克鲁的人杀死了。  艾斯以为这一切结束了,这时,克鲁出现了,他告诉艾斯,其实,玛克丝才是真正的幕后黑手……