搜索 Lena

  • 科学家阿尔玛在柏林著名的佩加蒙博物馆工作。为了获得研究经费,她同意参加一个不同寻常的实验。在三周的时间里,她要和一个人形机器人汤姆生活在一起,这个人工智能被设计成她理想的生活伴侣。机器以英俊的人形设计,是为她的快乐而造的。接下来是一个悲剧故事,探讨了爱、渴望和人类的概念。导演玛丽亚·施拉德曾获得银熊演员奖,同时也是一位出色的电影导演,她改编了Emma Braslavsky的故事,并为其注入了电影的暗示力量。她展现了对表演化学反应的深刻理解,她恰到好处地挑选并指导了一对主角,他们是有趣而不自然的、失败的一对。但是,还有什么比研究分析和感觉之间的颤动更有成效的呢?毕竟,诗歌也能用到左脑逻辑。
  • 入围第54届卡罗维发利电影节主竞赛单元。  Vasil has just lost his long-time partner in life, his wife Ivanka. When a woman at her funeral proclaims that the dead woman called her cellphone, Vasil seeks out the help of a well-known psychic in order to try to contact his wife. His son Pavel tries to bring him to his senses, but Vasil stubbornly insists on doing things his own way… Following the internationally successful The Lesson and Glory, Grozeva and Valchanov return with an intimate family drama about the difficulties of connecting with those close to us. As the picture slowly gathers momentum, its story unfolds many of the carefully arranged absurd or comic situations typical for the Bulgarian filmmaking duo.
  • A verger, who likes to dress as a priest, is invited, by one of the villagers, to be the pastor at a vacant church. The atheist teacher resents the pastor, and tries to embarrass him in various ways, including being caught with the local girl, Majka.
  • Sir Robert Chiltern is a successful Government minister, well-off and with a loving wife. All this is threatened when Mrs Cheveley appears in London with damning evidence of a past misdeed. Sir Robert turns for help to his friend Lord Goring, an apparently idle philanderer and the despair of his father. Goring knows the lady of old, and, for him, takes the whole thing pretty seriously.
  • 俄国应召女郎埃莉娜一踏上阿尔卑斯山区神话故事般的土地,就被它的魅力所吸引。她通过一个奸诈的律师和他的女朋友与来自商界、政界、军界和传媒的客户频繁交易。她被威胁要么被驱逐要么监视她的客户,揭露他们的丑闻。在对她造成的后果毫不知情的情况下,埃莉娜开始实施了一项多年前由一个黑暗的政治组织“贝雷西纳警报”制定的旨在推翻政府的计划。女主人公的命运,实际上是整个国家的命运开始发生难以预料的改变。