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  • 电影《大瑟尔》改编自凯鲁亚克的同名小说,凯鲁亚克记叙了自己三次前往小木屋的经历,小木屋位于加利福利亚州的大瑟尔(大苏尔)。凯鲁亚克第一次独自前往小木屋时,渴求一种遗世独立的归隐生活。凯鲁亚克作为一名成功的作者,收获了超乎想象的名声以及媒体无限的关注,但这一切让他无法承受。他开始厌倦这样生活,他决意返回旧金山,与老友重聚,其中还包括了其他诗人和作家。有一次,他携朋友们周末重返故地,在小木屋一醉方休。后来,他一位朋友将自己的情人比莉介绍给他。杰克和比莉经历了一周的翻云覆雨,他们决定带上比莉的儿子艾略特,同时还有另一对夫妇回到大瑟尔(大苏尔)的木屋。最后,凯鲁亚克精神近乎奔溃,他意识到是该回东海岸了……(豆瓣电影字幕翻译2.0小组)
  • A man (Ki Tae-yeong) is imprisoned for murdering his father, a woman (Han Soo-jeong) is given a terminally ill life, Song Jang-soo (Park Cheol-min) stands at the edge of the cliff to end his life and coffee shop girl Jeon Na-ri (Cheon Woo-hee) who has nothing but debt, all come together! These special people meet at the shining point of their lives. Will happiness come after to...
  •   《Sheriff: Narko Integriti》是一部 2024 年马来西亚的悬疑动作惊悚片,由 Syafiq Yusof 执导和编剧,改编自他父亲 Yusof Haslam 的故事。缉毒局警员纳兹里认为,某冰毒集团的犯罪越来越严重,他们在审判过程中常常逃脱法律的制裁。纳兹里决定亲自解决这个问题。与此同时,廉政局警长被派遣去侦破“冰毒杀手”案,他与纳兹里被分配到同一个小组,而“冰毒杀手”有可能就在缉毒局中。
  •   Sol Goode, a charismatic L.A. twenty-something, has always relied on charm, good looks, and fast talk to glide through life. But his luck may have run out; faced with eviction from his hipster apartment, totaling his car, and the threat of having to find a real job, Sol realizes that maybe the life he's been leading is no longer making him happy. Through this self-examination, he finds that being a womanizing hustler is an unfulfilling life and he will truly be happy with his best friend Chloe, who, unfortunately, knows him all too well. The result is a wickedly funny, heart-felt story as Sol tries to win her over.