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  •   单一色调的八个游泳队员在同样单一色调的学校泳池破浪。  一对同母异父兄弟,大哥Zack是学校老大,他人脉广阔,在学校深受女生爱戴,不时发施号令, 要弟弟Darren代做化学家课;弟弟是典型电脑迷,时刻沉迷网络游戏及破解程式密码,弟弟不是一头乱发、佩带黑色大框架眼镜,以及衣衫不整以现代贬义称为的“宅男”,他是以兄长为校队游泳团队首领,成绩欠佳的游泳队员。爱接触阳光池水及精通电脑的男孩可谓文武兼备,他比不上哥哥的狡黠, 男人不坏,女人不爱,弟弟的木讷朴实不是女同学喜欢的类型,他遇见了倾心对象。  Xandrie的幼滑金丝、纯真笑容打动了Darren,他在哥哥搞的狂热派对找不到金发蓝衣美人,发放短讯联系,短句是只有年青网络族群才懂的文字,他在房间的监视器遍寻不获,遇到了意图借着酒精毒品弄得迷迷糊糊在电脑男房间胡天胡帝的男女,Darren挂心不知所在的Xandrie恐怕被男人下了药带到隐匿地方施暴,他害怕Xandrie遭遇 同一手段,他赶走了他们,是潜意识对抗利用酒及违禁粉末壮大胆子,麻醉常理,做出一发不可收拾劣行的校友。  单一色调的泳池竞赛选手不是八个,余下四个是校园欺凌的要角。
  •   An unrivalled musical and visual treat that showcases unique arrangements of Disney's most popular songs and gives insight into the life of world-renowned pianist Lang Lang. Through performance and documentary segments, the film opens an intimate window into his extraordinary musical journey as he speaks to his love for Disney dating back to his childhood in China. Joined by London's Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Lang Lang invites audiences to savor Disney classics such as "Let It Go", "We Don't Talk About Bruno", "You'll Be in My Heart" feat. English recording artist Alfie Boe, "When You Wish Upon a Star" feat. performer Gina Alice Redlinger and more.
  • Lonely teenager Mia gets hooked on the thrills of conjuring spirits through a ceramic hand, but when she is confronted by a soul claiming to be her dead mother, she unleashes a plague of supernatural forces, and struggles to decide who she can trust: the living or the dead.
  •   位于东京御台场,拥有自由校风和多项专科的人气高中「虹咲学园」。对学园偶像的魅力感到心动的普通科2年级高咲侑,和儿时玩伴上原步梦一起敲响了「学园偶像同好会」的门。  有时作为对手,有时作为同伴,胸怀各自的心意,每天展开活动的成员们。「如果能够为追逐梦想的人加油的话……。」9名与1名少女所编织的,第一次的「大家实现梦想的故事(School Idol Project)」。传达到吧!我们的心动——现在,再一次追逐梦想吧!