搜索 Kate

  •   Sonia is a neurotic jingle writer who's always dreamt of a big and exciting life. Surprised by a sudden proposal and subsequent ultimatum from her easy-going boyfriend, Chris, Sonia has to decide whether she'll join the ranks of her married friends or take a leap and pursue her fantasies. A whimsical romantic comedy that's raunchy and yet gentle, 'It Had To Be You' explores the choices women face today while satirizing cultural expectations of gender and romance.
  •   It follows a hard-driving LA wine-company executive who travels to an Australian sheep station to land a major client and there she ends up working as a ranch hand and sparking with a rugged local.
  • 黛丝和艾蜜莉拼命地想为单身老爸麦斯找个漂亮美眉牵红线,有什么方法会比在圣塔摩尼卡的看板上登广告更有效率呢?然而,真爱可不是这么容易就能找到的,所以说麦斯和他的新女友布鲁克火花四溅的爱情路上,自然也免不了会有些小小的障碍...  首先是布鲁克的儿子莱恩,他和双胞胎初相见时发生了一些相处上的歧见;等到三人成为朋友后,便开始联手对付第二个障碍--麦斯惟利是图的经纪人奈吉。这三个古灵精怪的青少年会想出怎样异想天开的妙计来撮合他们的父母呢?
  •   CJ (Ella Jordan饰演)是一个高度紧张的女商人,在Versa公司从事她公司历史上最大的一笔交易。凯西(吉米·库斯特斯饰)是一个懒散的懒汉,总是向他的哥哥罗伊(炮手威利斯饰)蹭来蹭去。当凯西去Versa公司面试时,他只是为了有资格申请失业救济金,m.ysgou.cc结果他和她换了工作。现在他必须与她的死敌丽莎(Kayte Giralt),而她必须追求一个意大利女孩(Erica Manni)凯西一直调情。