搜索 Ole

  • MAMMA + MAMMA is the story of two women who love each other and of their desire to have a child together. Karole and Ali still don't know that the enthusiasm of this first attempt will be followed by many vicissitudes, but when the desire becomes stronger than the pain and fatigue, miracles can happen.
  •   玛琳·阿克曼(《守望者》《亿万》)、凯特·丹宁斯、简·西摩尔(《伊甸园东》《妾似朝阳又照君》)加盟感恩节题材喜剧新片《朋友感恩节》(Friendsgiving),Nicol Paone编写剧本,并首次执导剧情长片。阿克曼饰演一个迷人的、刚刚离婚的女演员Molly,丹宁斯饰演刚刚被甩的同性恋闺蜜Abby,西摩尔饰演Molly的母亲Helen,来自瑞典。三人和一群亲密好友以及一些奇怪的熟人一起主办了一场功能失调、一团糟的感恩节晚宴。本·斯蒂勒、阿克曼制片,爱莎·泰勒、迪恩·科尔、瑞恩·汉森等参演。
  • Fernando, a talented chef, arrives to the village of Cadaqués during the 70s, residence of the internationally renowned Salvador Dalí. The paths of the chef and the artist will cross and cause the birth of a new culinary genius.
  • InNewYorkCity,potentstrandsofbathsaltshavesurfacedandhaveattractedthemostdevotedbathsaltjunkies.Ayoungaspiringchemisthasdevelopedanevenstrongerbatch...butsomethinghasgonehorriblywrong.
  •   一群科學家要對「惡魔之巔」的火山活動進行研究,根據活動數據「惡魔之巔」近期將會爆發,小鎮正在研擬疏散計畫,但老班堅決不撤離。好不容易明蒂十多歲的女兒妮可說服老班,一家人開著車趕緊下山,此時火山爆發了!從火山噴射出來的不只是岩漿跟火球,還有當年吃人的居民,他們渴望肉體獲得重生!