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  •   After being summoned back to his home castle on the brink of war, Sir Cedric Vale discovers that the Baron he is loyal to has married the woman he loves, Lady Alysia. Following his return, the two struggle to keep their age-old love a secret amidst a terrible threat made upon the baronesses' life by The Ring of Shadowed Blades. Political strife and rising concerns of loyalty drive both royalty and servants alike to question their honor in this deeply thrilling and romantic adventure.
  •   When a paranormal social media influencer winds up dead, a USFS ranger must pull himself out of mourning to grapple with the reality of the fact that Bigfoot might actually exist, and be responsible for a string of unusual deaths in his small town.
  • 蚵仔煎『筋肉人』新作动画放送决定!
  • 从泰国移民到韩国的萍(Marsha Wattanapanich 饰)与丈夫伟(Vittaya Wasukraipaisan 饰)过着幸福无忧的生活,就在她生日当天,一通越洋电话改变了她的生活走向。由于妈妈身患重病,萍和伟匆忙赶回泰国,而这也勾起她关于童年过往的回忆。萍出生时还有一个连体姐妹派,由于分离手术失败,派从此殒命,而这也成为萍心中永远的心结。当她踏上故乡的土地,种种离奇诡异的现象接连出现,似乎死去已久的派重新回到萍的身边。而在这一过程中,姐妹俩之间隐藏至深的秘密也渐渐浮出水面……   本片荣获2007年奥斯汀奇幻电影节评委会特别奖最佳导演奖;2007年惊叫电影节最佳摄影、最佳导演、最佳剪辑奖;2008年泰国国家电影协会最佳女主角(Marsha Wattanapanich 饰)和最佳原创歌曲奖。
  •   在父亲的小餐馆发生了可怕的案件后,Nancy决定独自值完当晚的最后一班来收拾残局。但她不知道,自己并非孤身一人,她必须在漫漫长夜中为自己的生命而战。