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  •   About a week after the Woods family move in to Xaos House, their daughter Ellie goes missing during a power cut. Ellie's mother Keira investigates and finds that the walls have strange symbols engraved into them. After a number of terrifying supernatural experiences she comes to the conclusion that the house took Ellie. She discovers that a physicist and occultist called John Fetherston, who was obsessed with finding the 11th dimension, built the house and engraved sinister equations on the 10 steps leading into the cellar. Finally, Keira must battle with the universe’s most ancient evil, or lose her family’s souls forever.
  • 假期到来,就读于路易斯安那州立大学的戴维(理查德·考恩克 Richard Kohnke 饰)、泰勒(凯拉·埃维尔 Kayla Ewell 饰)、布莱斯(艾斯利·布莱恩 Ashlee Brian 饰)、诺美(布瑞特妮·埃尔格 Brittney Alger 饰)和莎莉(沙拉·巴特勒 Sarah Butler 饰)相约来到公子哥同学霍华德(迈克·韦尔什 Michael Welch 饰)家的豪华别墅度假。正当他们沉浸在无上的快乐中时,突然得知导弹向美国本土袭来的惊人消息。在危机当前,几名青年经过讨论决定暂时留在别墅中,相机而动。未及,一枚导弹在附近炸毁,危机似乎就此结束。   但是新的危险随之到来,周围好像一夜之间变成恐怖丧尸的世界。大批丧失人性、嗜血如命的活死人接二连三向年轻人们袭来,死神露出狰狞的笑容……
  •   Recently-paroled thief, Jon Price, is forced to return to his small, rainy hometown of Fall City, Washington at Christmastime. Jon unexpectedly begins to find joy as he meets and grows closer to a struggling single mother who shows him true kindness, and he begins filling the role of a father for her young daughter.
  • 影片《灵异医院》讲述的是一个有着不堪过去的女人在一家新近倒闭关门的医院找到了一份核对病人简历复印件的工作,而孤独一人在隔绝的医院值夜班的过程中她经历了一些神秘事件。有所警觉的她通过这些事件发现医院可能和近日出现的谋杀案有关,而要破解这些谜团,首先她需要仔细梳理一下自己混乱的过去。
  • 在日本一处僻静的所在,孤儿隆(Mike Moh 饰)和情同手足美国青年肯(Simeon Tsolov 饰)一同在师父刚拳(小家山晃 饰)的指导下,日复一日进行艰苦卓绝的修行。当二人终于感受到体内气的流动之时,师父允诺带他们进行更高阶段的修炼,而那将触及破坏力十足的暗杀拳。青年时代,刚拳和弟弟豪鬼随师傅轰铁(伊川东吾 饰)修习。一心变得强大的豪鬼偷阅师父的秘籍,学会可怕的暗杀拳,可是却不会控制杀意的波动,最终被轰铁逐出师门。仿佛又一个循环,肯似乎也正在走着豪鬼的老路,刚拳则接近全力避免悲剧重演。   直到某一天,豪鬼找上门来,师兄弟不得不面对宿命的对决……