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  •   Now the Montecito has been sold to inexperienced young widow-heiress Monica Mancuso, who had it thoroughly renovated, Ed who stayed on as general manager is worried about the top-secret reopening, especially after two recent hold-ups in Indian casinos, but Monica refuses any delay so he can work in new staff. Most old key personnel has left. Danny now heads his late dad's contracting company McCoy Construction, but accepts to return as Ed's right hand, and rehires Mike -who was parking valet- and Sam, whose clients were deserting her, only Ed's daughter refuses. The boys soon find proof the construction crews have been infiltrated as there are at least two officially dead men and computer chips have been planted to cause a blackout one minute after the grand reopening starts, far more sophisticated then in either Indian casino heist.
  •   《心火》(Feuerherz)德国/奥地利  导演:路易吉-法洛尼(Luigi Falorni)  主演:Letekidan Micael  影片介绍:改编自德国著名歌手森娜特-梅哈瑞(Senait Mehari)的畅销书,讲述了一个德国女兵在非洲厄立特里亚内战中寻求生存的故事,这部作品也可以看作是森娜特-梅哈瑞的半自传,透过这本自传,人们对这位巨星的人生可以有更多的了解,可以一窥她一直不愿意回首的过去是怎样的。这是森娜特第一次直接面对她在非洲的童年往事。而导演也将继续延续自己上一部作品的纪录片风格。  导演介绍:路易吉-法洛尼(Luigi Falorni)1971年生于意大利佛罗伦萨,曾在慕尼黑电影学院攻读电影。他的上一部作品《骆驼骆驼不要哭》(The Story of The Weeping Camel)荣获2004捷克卡罗维法利国际影展观众票选最佳影片、巴伐利亚电影奖、旧金山FIPRESCI奖等多项国际奖以及2005年奥斯卡提名。wine/文
  •   Sunray is a riveting revenge story that follows a group of combat veterans on a quest to uncover the truth behind a drug dealer’s role in the tragic death of our protagonist Andy’s daughter. Sunray is more than just an action packed-thriller; it delves into the intricacies of post-traumatic stress disorder, survivor’s guilt, and the tumultuous journey of reintegration into civilian life that veterans face. Infused with authentic military drills and a gripping narrative, Sunray seamlessly intertwines thrillingly realistic action sequences with the raw emotions of its characters.
  • 莫妮卡·贝鲁奇、萨拉·萨里约科、西尔维奥·奥兰多将主演保罗·维尔齐([爱在记忆消逝前])执导的末日题材新作[干旱](Siccità,暂译)。剧本由弗兰切斯卡·阿尔基布吉([爱在记忆消逝前])、弗朗西斯·皮克罗(《我的天才女友》)、保罗·吉奥丹诺(《本色》)和维尔齐共同撰写,讲述来自各行各业的一系列人物在寻求救赎时,被一条悲惨、嘲讽的线索所束缚。影片已在罗马开拍。