搜索 Rice

  • 影片改编自2004年蒂娜·菲编剧的同名电影和百老汇音乐剧,幽默探讨时下美国青少女学业、家庭和交友等各种问题,勾心斗角的塑料姊妹花你争我抢,谁才是Queen Bee?从小在非洲长大的高中转校生凯蒂,第一天上学就遇到校花瑞吉娜。面对瑞吉娜的处处针对,凯蒂决定在这场校园斗争中展开反击。
  •   The summer before college, bright-yet-irreverent Elliott comes face-to-face with her older self during a mushroom trip. The encounter spurs a funny and heartfelt journey of self-discovery and first love as Elliott prepares to leave her childhood home.  Writer-director Megan Park’s tender, surprising sophomore feature cleverly uses its high-concept premise of a visit from one’s future self to launch a refreshing, nuanced exploration of the uncertainties of young romance and coming of age. My Old Ass is a sweet teenage love story, a lively contemporary comedy, and a quirky riff on time-travel films all in one.  Maisy Stella and Aubrey Plaza have a terrific unlikely chemistry, as the sass and self-assuredness of the young Elliott, as played by Stella, blends and overlaps with Plaza’s sardonic humor as a more mature Elliott. The care and affection shown in the film’s depiction of Elliott’s rural hometown in her last days before taking off for adulthood visually highlights her emotional journey, evoking a nostalgia for days that haven’t even ended yet.—HZ 
  •   1997年,17岁的克拉拉和艾琳一见如故。她们溜到西西里的一座小岛上,决心在这里度过自由自在的夏天,也逃避那个她们想要忘记的事实。  该片曾入围2024年柏林国际电影节新生代少年单元。
  • 汤姆(何塞·加西亚 José Garcia 饰)是一名在巴黎生活的整形医生,在那些渴望变美的女人们面前,他就是宛如造物主一般的存在,但对于汤姆来说,每天都在重复着同样的生活令他倍感疲惫,并且产生了逃离的想法。茱莉亚(Caroline Vigneaux 饰)是汤姆的妻子,身怀六甲的她即将临盆,可即便是这样特殊的时刻,塔姆还是决定带着她以及两个正值调皮捣蛋年纪的孩子,前往法国南部的村落度假。