搜索 Róbert

  •   原作《战国魔神豪将军》是于东京电视台联播网自1981年7月3日至12月28日播出,全26集的日本机器人动画。  1985年,美国Saban公司将《战国魔神》与另一部类似题材的日本动画《亚空大作战》(由国际映画社制作)整合并重新配音配乐,更名为《麦克伦一号》(Macron-1)后播出。  与同时期由三部日本动画串联而成《太空堡垒》不同,saban公司引进《战国魔神》后,把部分亚空的剧情剪到了战国魔神里,为了能自圆其说,战国魔神部分的剧情也相应的进行了大量的重新剪辑拼贴,所以经过这般鬼斧神工后的《Macron-1》,跟《战国魔神》不能说毫无关系,只能说面目全非,完全是两部作品了。  美版其他的更动,包括将动画配乐全部更换,除了重做的片头曲以外,而且还引入了同一时期的一些著名流行音乐作为影片中的背景配乐,其中就包括了麦克尔·杰克逊的名曲“Beat It”,而 Glenn Frey的“The Heat Is On”、“AxeIF”(《疯狂的青蛙》)等也赫然在列。但是因为版权原因,后来美版录像带发行之时,这些音乐全部予以删除了。  《Macron-1》于1988年由北京电视台引进、译制,改名《星球大战》在全国各地方台播出。但实际上大陆引进的,并不是《Macron-1》的美国版,而是欧洲版。  英国bbc当年也引进了《Macron-1》的美版,但只引进了战国魔神所在的第一部26集,所以为了剧情能完结,把美版加上的《亚空大作战》段落全部删掉了。而这个版本亚空留下的唯一痕迹,就是片尾字幕时配的背景图。  本作另有一个意大利版,但是并不来源于美版,而是日本原版引进。
  • Ryan Murphy dropped a teaser for a new series titled Grotesquerie in an Instagram post (see it below) on Friday. According to the post, it will star Niecy Nash-Betts — who has worked with Murphy several times before and is coming off an Emmy win for Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story — Courtney B. Vance and Lesley Manville and is set to premiere in the fall.   The teaser features ...
  •   在60年代的德州,惠特家因斯巴达爷爷的葬礼而相聚一堂,然而,这并非一场寻常的葬礼,就如同惠特家也不是一般普通的家族;当好奇的小斯巴达欲偷窥爷爷的遗体时,却发现奶奶在跳死亡之舞并且进行一些诡异的仪式;小斯巴达的父母将涉及家族丑闻而被送入安养院的姑姑给接回家来;父亲和叔叔两人则为了家产而闹得势同水;而在小斯巴达好不容易将马厩里焦虑症发作的骆驼安抚下来后,爷爷的鬼魂赫然现身,向这个以他命名的孙子揭露一些家族秘密……
  •   Ryan Murphy dropped a teaser for a new series titled Grotesquerie in an Instagram post (see it below) on Friday. According to the post, it will star Niecy Nash-Betts — who has worked with Murphy several times before and is coming off an Emmy win for Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story — Courtney B. Vance and Lesley Manville and is set to premiere in the fall.  The teaser features Nash-Betts’ voice, sounding very disturbed about a crime scene: “I don’t know when it started. I can’t put my finger on it. But it’s different now. There’s been a shift. It’s like something’s opening up in the world — a kind of hole to the center of nothingness. What I saw today — they sent shrinks for everyone who worked this crime scene. You think, ‘Well hon, evil has always existed,’ and cite some statistic about how the world’s getting better, less murder, more help, less global horror, never been a better time to be alive, honey.”  Her voice cracking, Nash-Betts (or rather, her character) concludes by saying, “Come back. It’s not getting better. And I keep needing to hear your answers, because something’s happening around us, and nobody sees but me.”
  • The three-part limited series will follow Emily Maitlis’ professional and personal journey as a Newsnight journalist, leading up to her acclaimed interview with Prince Andrew.   In Prince Andrew’s disastrous interview with Newsnight’s Emily Maitlis, he explained his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein.