搜索 Perry

  • 哈里斯(Dominic Purcell 饰)、吉拉(Josie Maran 饰)和希德(Marcus Thomas 饰)是当年同在一所学校求学的好友,他们的一个老友因车祸不幸身亡,三人参加完葬礼后决定借酒浇愁。天色已晚,当地酒吧皆已打烊。他们突发奇想,竟跑去墓地喝酒狂欢。希德偶然在一块墓碑上发现一条神秘的铭文,三人读过后不以为意,继而在墓园中尽情起舞。  但在次日,离奇怪异的事情不约而同找上他们。恰逢此时,心灵专家文森特(Tchéky Karyo 饰)出现,指出哈里斯众人在墓园中的做法亵渎并唤醒了沉睡于此的恶灵,他们必须在下个月圆之夜到来前找到对策,否则命将不保…
  • 维克多(鲁克·高斯 Luke Goss 饰)是一名经验丰富精明强干的杀手,只要他出手,没有取不来的性命,维克多发自内心地尊重和喜爱自己的这一特殊职业,这也令他在职场上格外卖力。然而,就是这样一个男人,他竟然被效忠多年的组织背叛了,在接二连三的追杀之中,维克多诈死得以逃过一劫。   之后,维克多隐姓埋名来到了伦敦,在这里,重操旧业的他在事业上到达了新的高峰,同时,内心保守创伤的维克多也变得更加多疑、更加冷酷。一个美丽女子的出现吸引了维克多的注意,在矛盾和犹豫之中,维克多无法抗拒她的魅力,与此同时,被维克多远远抛在身后的过去亦开始对他百般纠缠,面对这复杂的局面,维克多会怎样应对呢?
  • Remember when everyone wanted to be in The Strokes or look like Karen O? Then this is the film of the year for you! We’re in New York in the early ’00s. Rock n’ roll had long since been declared dead and buried when a tsunami of young bands suddenly swept across the city and up the charts everywhere, setting a new standard for urban cool. In a kaleidoscopic journey with an eye ...
  •   Three pigs; George, Marko and Joe are tricked out of their money by a con artist wolf and his mate, Frank Weasel. Thrown out of their rented home, the pigs have to build a new one. Unfortunately, they can't agree on a building material. Marko decides on straw, but the wolf blows it down. Joe settles on sticks, but the wolf blows that down too. George, the smartest pig, uses stones. The big bad wolf can't blow down the stone house. When he and Frank climb down the chimney, the pigs capture them and hand them over to the authorities and the pigs live happily ever after.
  •   《千门唐八将》是国内首部中美合作、好莱坞导演及技术团队打造的电影。影片由美国导演理查德·H·佩里指导,杨轶、张洛晨以及匈牙利女孩Rita Vizer联合主演。拍摄场地辗转两国三地,多国演员激烈碰撞。向观众展现了一个纸醉金迷又惊险刺激的豪赌世界。影片直面人性与欲望的激烈斗争。利益让人疯狂,也让人扪心自问。究竟应该如何在这诡谲的对弈中赢回筹码?如何让这暗涌的漩涡回归平静?《千门唐八将》能否给出答案……