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  • Two years after their basketball victory, Los Amigos is reunited by Cecilia, an inexperienced but optimistic coach. Against all odds they find themselves participating in a worldwide watched eSports tournament.
  •   Ewan McGregor impresses in Niclas Larsson's star-studded psychological indie drama based on Jerker Virdborg's novella.  Three siblings converge in a furniture store in the middle of nowhere. Here, their mother, portrayed by Ellen Burstyn, has barricaded herself on a couch. David (McGregor) does his best to diplomatically try to resolve the situation, but the other siblings (Rhys Ifans, Laura Flynn Boyle) seem to take the situation with frustrating nonchalance. And while the mother's stationary position on the couch brings forth Norenesque family conflicts to the surface, the furniture store appears increasingly labyrinthine, and David is chased through a never-ending Kubrickian nightmare with a desperate look in his eyes. Swedish director Niclas Larsson (Vatten, GFF 2013) returns to Gothenburg after a period in international advertising with a charged psychological drama that not only impresses with its star-studded cast.
  • 在一场调情游戏中,已婚咨询师和年轻的IT 技术人员互相给对方提出了质疑社会规范的挑战,结果却出人意料。
  • 根据安东尼·贝纳吉斯真实故事改编。   阿莉安德娜发现她的祖父一直在寻找其西班牙内战时期消失的父亲。下定决心帮助祖父的她,只身前往布尔戈斯新发掘的坟场,因为她的曾祖父可能埋在那里。这趟旅行中,阿莉安德娜听闻了一位来自塔拉戈纳的年轻男教师——安东尼·贝纳吉斯的故事,而这位男教师曾是她祖父的老师。安东尼用当时创新的教育方式激励着孩子,并对他们许下承诺:带他们去看一次海...
  • 本剧讲述了中世纪蒙特摩尔王国和阿尔泰纳王国。多年来两国之间和睦相处,并达成水源供应协议。阿尔泰纳王国水源丰富,而蒙特摩尔王国水源匮乏。蒙特摩尔王国以矿产资源作为交换。这项协议在蒙特摩尔国女王过世时终结,并且撼动了两国之间的和平。阿方索(罗穆卢·埃斯特雷拉 R?mulo Estrela饰)是蒙特摩尔国王储,孩童时代就被立为王位继承人,他为人正直受人尊敬。相反他的弟弟鲁道夫(约翰尼·马萨罗 Johnny Massaro饰)没有责任心并且无所事事,喜欢各国王公贵族家千金小姐厮混。   阿方索在一次寻找水源过程中被一伙强盗偷袭,受了重伤,被阿尔泰纳国一个平民女孩阿玛莉亚(玛丽娜·辉·巴尔博萨 Marina Ruy Barbosa饰)相救,阿方索爱上了她,并放弃了自己的王位,让给了自己的弟弟,两国之间的关系更是岌岌可危了。阿尔泰纳国的公主卡塔丽娜(布鲁娜·马尔科辛...