搜索 Milano

  • It's back! Season two of ADULT SWIM high-octane hellspawn returns with 20 freshly hatched episodes! It's a brain-scrambling bonanza of pop culture-crushing sketch comedy, acted out by chunks of  wire and plastic cunningly crafted frame by people and animals, then stop-motion animated frame by painstaking frame in the style of the old masters! COME PARTAKE IN A PUNK ROCK PUPPET ...
  • Someone downloads an app on your phone behind your back. It looks like an augmented reality game, but soon you realize it's an app that connects to the world of the dead, which allows you to see the dead through the camera of the phone. On the screen you see a countdown timer starting from 24 hours and before it reaches zero, you have to download the app to someone else's phone...
  • 艾莉莎·米兰诺扮演PattyMontanari,是一位住在布鲁克林区的非常坚强的寡妇和母亲。她为当地的一个犯罪家族工作,很快他就和已婚的犯罪集团的首领(杰森葛德利扮演,曾出演《绝望主妇》)纠缠在一起了.但是随着Patty在组织的地位越来越高后,她发现自己已经泥足身陷于充满偏执,背叛和谋杀的境地了。挣扎于联邦调查局,家庭,和她爱的男人之间,她能否下定决心抠动扳机,付出自己的一切呢?联合主演詹姆斯·凯恩(曾因出演电影《教父》而获得奥斯卡奖提名)之所以出演电影是因为他觉得这个真实的故事令他大受鼓舞——一个女人敢于公然违抗臭名昭著的黑帮帝国。