- 《天堂岛疑案》主创Robert Thorogood为PBS Masterpiece和UKTV,执笔的全女班侦探类电视剧《玛洛谋杀俱乐部》(The Marlow Murder Club)日前公开剧照,并确认剧集会在明年开播。 本书原著出版于2021年,故事围绕着Samantha饰演的主角——一位退休的考古学家“Judith”(《唐顿庄园》“Lady Rosamund” Samantha Bond饰演)展开;她独自住在宁静的Marlow镇一栋有些年份的豪宅里,通过为当地报纸做填字游戏来打发时间。有一天,当“Judith”例行在泰晤士河野外游泳,她听到邻居花园里传来枪声,并且确信发生了一起残酷的谋杀案。 当警察不愿相信她的故事时,Judith发现自己与当地的遛狗人/空巢老人“Suzie”(《神秘博士》“Ruth” Jo Martin饰演)以及不得志的牧师妻子“Becks” (、《睡魔》“Zelda” Cara Horgan)建立了不太可能的友谊,于是三人开始了自己的调查。最终,众人被要求协助参与一场由刚刚履职的 “Tanika”(《真相捕捉》“Aliza” Natalie Dew饰演)所领导的警方调查。Judith和她的朋友们必须拼凑线索,盘问嫌疑人(证人),并面对真正的危险,同时她们争分夺秒地追踪与阻止凶手。
- Series 2 (2000) The second series sees a deadly epidemic of nosebleeds grip the town's inhabitants, killing many. The plot is resolved after some confusion over the cause of the nosebleeds, involving butcher Hilary Briss' "special stuff", Benjamin Denton's escape from his relatives, and the murders in the Local Shop.
- Sibiu ’89 reenacts a lesser-known story about those days of violent civil unrest that led to a bloody confrontation between the army forces and Ceau?escu’s instruments of repression, the Militia and the Secret Police. Following rumours and disinformation about so-called “terrorists” attacking soldiers and civilians, panic and chaos ensue. No one is to be trusted, everyone could...