- Set at the start of Covid, Family Portrait follows a family on an idle but hectic morning when they have planned a group picture. When the mother vanishes and one daughter becomes desperate to find her and gather her sprawling family, the film progressively descends into a realm where time and space lose their grip, transforming the family portrait into a solemn and enigmatic r...
- Follows Anita's self-discovery and maturity journey. At 15, the young played by Maisa, had a great expectation of adult life: leave the tiny town Imperatriz, travel to many places and get to know a lot of people. But at 30, her life is nothing like that. With few friends, living in a renovated apartment and with no signal of love, Anita returned to her birth town for her sister Luiza's wedding.
- 宛若小兔一般的嘉莉·怀特(科洛·莫瑞兹 Chlo? Moretz 饰)在妈妈玛格丽特(朱丽安·摩尔 Julianne Moore饰)的严格看护下成长起来,与学校那群开放浪荡的女孩相比,她就如同从纯洁的童话世界里走出来一样,一尘不染。在一次事件后,过分惶恐的嘉莉成为克莉丝 (波茜娅·道布尔戴 Portia Doubleday 饰)、休(加布瑞拉·王尔德 Gabriella Wilde 饰)等女孩们嘲笑和欺凌的对象。极度的压力和耻感之下,嘉莉意外发现自己仿佛拥有神奇的魔力。另一方面,深感惭愧的休劝说男友汤米。邀请嘉莉参加毕业舞会。而遭到校方惩罚的克莉丝则处心积虑要进一步羞辱嘉莉。 小魔女用魔力逃脱母亲所编制的樊笼,而她的人生充满更多的不可测……