搜索 Honey

  • 在春天后一百天, 一百万卢旺达难民在massacred 遇到由他 们的头领Hutu 带领一群士兵,并遭到屠杀,使一个非洲小国瞬间变成地狱。野 蛮是在想像力之外。联合国维和士兵是在那里观看。观看但不行动。一个英国的教士和他的年轻随从目睹这一幕,一时间他们的信念, 他们的勇气和心理极限受到极大的冲击, 最后, 他们被迫做出选择,要么留下来要么与难民一起跑。
  • 该剧以真实事件为基础,分为两个时间段,讲述了导致谋杀和审判的事件。雷(巴勒特饰)和他23岁的弟弟内森(塔皮饰)在刺伤母亲的伴侣后被捕。无论什么情况下导致孩子杀人,法律是明确的:刑事责任的年龄是10岁,12岁时,雷必须在成人法庭接受审判。  搬到他母亲维罗妮卡的家和他23岁的哥哥内森在一起,雷目睹了一场争吵,升级为他母亲的伴侣斯科特对他的兄弟进行的暴力斧头攻击。  虽然被逮捕和审判,斯科特被无罪释放,并很快返回住在家里。家庭生活开始恶化,内森变得孤僻,不关心自己的健康和外表,而雷越来越承担起照顾的角色——为了内森,为了他的母亲,为了他的兄弟姐妹,维罗妮卡和斯科特的年幼的孩子。一天晚上,当男孩们听说斯科特威胁要再拿斧头时,兄弟俩对他发动了袭击,残忍地杀死了他。  谋杀发生后,两兄弟被逮捕,并被指控犯有谋杀罪。内森和雷是分开的,因为他们进入司法系统,并满足各自的...
  • An ambitious lawyer kills her gardener by mistake, fearing her chances with the law and the impact this will have on her career at a prestigious firm, she turns to her best friend to help her get rid of the body.
  • When the remains of two murdered Princes are discovered at the Tower of London, a troubled Priest must put his beliefs aside to befriend a mysterious prisoner, who has supernatural powers to communicate with the dead. Together they must solve the mystery of who murdered the Princes, as prisoners in the castle dungeon meet their bloody fates at the hands of the Princes' ghosts, ...
  • Ruth Paxton’s women-led horror sees a mother tested when her daughter insists that her body is no longer her own, but in service to a higher power.