搜索 Hilde

  • 为陪伴在家人的身边,丹尼尔出狱后,回到了家乡马赛。他的女儿玛蒂达,是一位刚成为母亲的实习销售助理,而他的伴侣尼古拉斯,则是每天疲于奔命的自由职业司机。某天夜里,一位因生意损失而心生怨恨的出租车司机袭击了尼古拉斯,他们平静的生活就此改变…
  • 朱莉在巴黎一家豪华酒店打工,工作非常辛苦,还要努力照顾在乡下的两个孩子。后来,她得到了一个期待已久的工作面试机会,但一场全国性的罢工爆发了,导致公共交通系统陷入瘫痪。一直以来,朱莉努力在生活中维系着一种平衡,而这种脆弱的平衡被突发事件所打破。为了得偿所愿,她冒着随时都会碰壁乃至失去一切的风险,开始了一场与时间的疯狂赛跑。
  •   The two best friends Karsten and Petra goes on a cabin holiday for skiing fun. Tough guy Petter is a good skier, and Karsten thinks Petra likes him more. Maybe he can prove himself if he competes in a ski jumping competition?
  • 凱思的絨毛小獅和艾瑪的絨毛小兔兔都變成真的了,甚至還會和他們聊天!有一天,幼稚園去參觀消防隊,艾瑪的絨毛小兔兔卻在消防隊大樓裡迷路了。艾瑪好傷心,也擔心小兔兔會害怕,幸好有凱思爺爺的聰明狗狗巴薩擔任救援隊長,聞著艾瑪絨毛小兔兔的氣味,帶領艾瑪和凱思進行救援任務!
  •   Wanda's world has been turned upside down when her teenage daughter Nina suddenly turns up in a hijab. Secretly, Nina has converted to Islam; she exclusively eats halal, strictly observes the prayer times and wishes to be called Fatima. Mother of a liberal Viennese patchwork family, Wanda is appalled; she has always strongly stood against religious fanaticism. However, all attempts to make Nina see reason fail. To make matters worse, Wanda's ex-husband has just fathered a child with his latest wife, and Wanda begins to yearn for a time when her only problems were her daughter's truancy and pot smoking. When she meets Hanife, the mother of Nina's Muslim girlfriend, she finds an ally. Hanife, who immigrated to Austria as a child, is determined to save her daughter from the extremely old-fashioned image of women, which Nina is enthusiastically preaching.