- 改编自Ken的网络漫画《พี่นักเลงที่รัก》(亲爱的黑道),将于6月29日开拍,由Meen和Ping的所属公司MChoice制作 Lee Sang Hwa是一个害羞内向的人,从高中起就爱上了他最好的朋友Seo Ryeo Han,但从未正式告白, 他们的关系仍然模糊不清。 Lee Sang Hwa有一个爱好,就是玩游戏来缓解孤独,直到他在游戏中遇到了一个叫The Great Mirae的哥哥,互相成为了朋友。 成为朋友的哥哥是一个可爱的治疗师,外表看起来就像个黑道,但The Great Mirae对Sang Hwa很温柔,情有独钟。 因此,Sang Hwa决定利用The Great Mirae作为感情避难所,将自己的心从像Ryeo Han这样的单恋中移开。
- Diego is 17 and is full of life, yet fragile. His best friend Antonio knows and indulges his weaknesses, but he would also like to see him strong and masculine. One night they meet Maria, a breezy natural beauty. To show that he is a real man, Diego, is ready to do anything, even to force himself to do things he would never have wanted to do. Written by The Open Reel