搜索 Colette

  • 在2037年時出現一種會讓人不孕的病毒,人類面臨了存亡的危機。許多科學家想盡辦法尋求解決方法,此時,一對科學家在研究過程中意外創造出時光機,因此他們打算回到過去,防止病毒出現。
  • 西元709年,外星人凯坦(James Caviezel 饰)驾驶的飞船坠毁在挪威境内,同伴重伤死亡,飞船损毁,沉入湖底。凯坦凭借随身携带的先进机器掌握了地球的知识和当地的语言,在森林内游荡之际,他遇到了维京人乌弗里克(Jack Huston 杰克?休斯顿 饰),并随之回到了村庄。  凯坦告诉维京人自己正在寻找一头“恶龙”,而这条恶龙正是他飞船上的一只怪兽,因飞船坠毁逃遁。维京人起初认为凯坦是个说大话的骗子,但随着村民一个个离奇消失,他们才发现所谓的“恶龙”真的存在……
  • Vincent和Sophie嘅肉檔經常被素食者搗亂,生意笈笈可危。一次意外,Vincent錯手殺死素食者,慌亂之間唯有將屍體斬件,當鮮肉出售,點知大受街坊歡迎,仲食過返尋味,變成遠近馳名嘅「世一鮮肉」,搞到鮮肉供不應求,於是兩夫妻開始化身為連環殺手,狙擊一眾「鮮肉」!   但隨著失蹤嘅素食人士越嚟越多,佢哋嘅危機漸漸迫近
  • 这部震撼人心的纪录片讲述了一名乐天的流浪汉如何在网上爆红,又如何一落千丈并最终入狱的故事。
  •   KITTY LOVE: AN HOMAGE TO CATS is a one-hour Dutch documentary (in Dutch with English subtitles) narrated by Abatutu, a feline "star" of Dutch stage and screen. Via self congratulatory narration voiced by, well, a human, Abatutu describes his talent and inevitable rise to the top. A news reporter provides some backstory as she interviews the cat's owner, an animal handler who does non-human casting for movies and other entertainments. Between snippets of that constructed narrative are cat home videos, hundreds of clips of cats demonstrating the ability to be endlessly absorbed by the complexity of rolls of yarn, the enduring wetness of water, and the towering terror of little white bunnies.