搜索 贝蒂·戴维斯

  •   夏洛特(贝蒂·戴维斯 Bette Davis 饰)已经能算得上是一个老姑娘了,她梳着呆板的发型,穿着保守的服装,性格也古里古怪的,更糟糕的是,她似乎还染上了酗酒的坏毛病。在家人的建议之下,夏洛特决定踏上治疗心灵的旅途,登上了驶往远方的游轮。  在游轮上,夏洛特邂逅了名为杰瑞(保罗·亨雷德 Paul Henreid 饰)的男子,并且在误打误撞之中和杰瑞的女儿结下了深厚的友谊。很快,夏洛特就感到自己坠入了情网之中,然而,此时的杰瑞并不是自由身,他有这一段无法结束的婚姻。心碎的夏洛特选择了离开,而夏洛特的母亲也在不久之后撒手人寰。
  • Reporter Curt Devlin loves sob sister Ellen Garfield but believes women are bum newspapermen. When she learns the identity of a murdered arsonist, he calls it luck. When she goes after the murderer he gets enough evidence to have Maitland Coulter arrested. She finds a bunch of not guilty ballots and publishes the wrong story; he eavesdrops on the jury and gets the correct verdict. After being fired she gets a confession from the real killer and gets Coulter released.
  • During a cross-country lecture tour, notoriously acerbic radio personality Sheridan Whiteside slips on the icy steps of the house of the Stanleys, a prominent Ohio family, and is forced to recuperate in their home during the Christmas holidays. The overbearing, self-centered celebrity soon comes to dominate the lives of the residents and everyone else who enters the household. He encourages young adults Richard and June Stanley to pursue their dreams, much to the dismay of their conventional father Ernest.  Meanwhile, Whiteside's spinster assistant Maggie Cutler finds herself attracted to local newspaperman Bert Jefferson. When she reads Bert's play, she is so impressed she asks Whiteside to show it to his contacts, and then announces she will quit his employment and marry Bert. However, her boss is loath to lose such an efficient aide and does his best to sabotage the blossoming romance...
  • 悬疑小说作家珍妮特·弗罗比舍 (Janet Frobisher) 独自住在一栋黑暗的英国乡间别墅里,当她不与秘书的未婚妻调情时。在一个极其尴尬的时刻,她遇到了一位不受欢迎的访客:乔治·贝茨,他自称是珍妮特分居的丈夫的犯罪同伙。尽管珍妮特极力摆脱乔治,但他还是闯入了珍妮特的家庭和生活。错综复杂的关系发展成为一场可怕、凶残的猫鼠游戏。《毒妇与恶汉》(Another Man's Poison)是一部于1951年上映的电影,由欧文·拉帕尔执导。编剧是莱斯利·桑兹和瓦尔·杰斯特。影片主要由贝蒂·戴维斯、加里·梅里尔和埃姆林·威廉姆斯主演。故事发生在英国乡村,贝蒂·戴维斯饰演的小说作家克里斯蒂娜·道格拉斯是一位著名的犯罪小说作家,以她的作品赢得了读者们的喜爱。然而,在她表面上成功的生活背后,她隐藏着一段不幸的婚姻。当她的丈夫离家出走时,她借机邀请了她的情人加里·梅里尔饰演的艾弗里·特希勒到她的庄园。然而,克里斯蒂娜并不知道的是,她的丈夫已经死亡,并且他留下了一份遗嘱,将所有财产都留给了她。当一个年轻女子出现并声称自己是克里斯蒂娜的丈夫的女儿时,故事变得扑朔迷离。这位年轻女子发现了她的父亲的死亡,并开始威胁要揭露克里斯蒂娜过去的秘密。克里斯蒂娜为了保护自己的秘密和财产,不惜使用了毒药,试图将这个女人除掉。然而,事情并没有按照她的计划进行,剧情进一步发展,充满了悬疑和紧张的气氛。观众们将被带入一个扭曲的心理游戏中,充满欺骗和复仇的情节。《毒妇与恶汉》以其精彩的演技和紧张的剧情著称,贝蒂·戴维斯饰演的克里斯蒂娜将观众们带入了一个复杂的角色之中,展现了一个无情而富有欺骗性的女性形象。加里·梅里尔和埃姆林·威廉姆斯也在电影中展现出了精湛的表演。