搜索 詹姆斯·梅

  • 《大世界之旅》是一档汽车展示和汽车知识科普节目。节目通过展现“三贱客”在加利福尼亚沙漠进行的全新汽车表演,为观众带来爆笑的同时科普汽车知识。
  • 杰里米、理查德和詹姆斯前往斯堪的纳维亚北极圈。男孩们驾驶着他们最喜欢的拉力赛车,开始了一场充满灾难的冒险,经历了冷战时期的潜艇基地、结冰的湖面赛道和滑雪场的混乱。
  •   Everyone has an opinion on bad cars... now it's time to hear the ones that really count--ours...  As it's the worst car in the history of the WORLD, we're on our travels ... to the North of England ... to name and shame the most rubbish car from a manufacturer which, frankly, should have known better. But, it's not all about hateful cars ... Oh no. You have to revel in some good ones to appreciate the stinkers. There's the Ferrari 458 spider, Toyota's GT86 and the £340,000 Lexus LFA rubbing shoulders with a Mercedes SLS.  Our guest driver, The Stig's Yorkshire cousin, puts his whippet to one side and throws a BMW M5 round a gymkhana course before we have a go in a couple of Transatlantic challengers. Things don't go well. We spend treasured leisure time on the golf course continuing our debate. That doesn't go well either. We even put our own cars--past and present--into the reckoning. That ends badly too.  We argue over the great and the awful from Peugeot, Ford, Mahindra, FSO, Alfa Romeo, Rolls Royce, Porsche, Citroen, Saab ... and many more. And we have a special, surprise fate in store for the car we  pick as our biggest loser...  Enjoy... Jeremy Clarkson & James May
  • 本片描述一名纳粹军官战后藏于南美洲,他野心勃勃地希望以科学方法进行人种试验,以便东山再起,使纳粹党重振雄风。但有一名犹太人以缉捕纳粹余孽为其终生职志,于是双方展开了一场惊心动魄的斗智斗勇。 本片快节奏且令人毛骨悚然,是一部颇有格调的间谍悬疑片,气氛处理甚佳。演员阵容强大,格里高利·派克和劳伦斯·奥利弗的表演内敛而有张力,可谓火候老到。
  • 故事发生在十八世纪早期的英格兰,安妮(奥莉薇娅·柯尔曼 Olivia Colman 饰)是大不列颠王国的女王,她和自己的青梅竹马莎拉公爵夫人(蕾切尔·薇兹 Rachel Weisz 饰)一直保持着秘密的情人关系。阿比盖尔(艾玛·斯通 Emma Stone 饰)是莎拉的远方亲戚,一直渴望融入以皇室为代表的上流社会,她来到了莎拉身边,想要谋得一份职务,哪知道莎拉对她十分冷淡。   凭借着自己的聪慧和计谋,阿比盖尔吸引了安妮女王的注意,得以在她的身边侍奉。很快,阿比盖尔便得知了安妮女王和莎拉之间的“小秘密”,对权谋充满了欲望的阿比盖尔开始希望自己能够取代莎拉的位置,得到女王的宠幸。