- When whip-smart Cambodian doctor Thony De La Rosa comes to the United States for medical treatment to save her ailing son, she soon discovers her path won't be as straightforward as she had hoped. As the system quickly fails her, pushing her into hiding, she resolves not to allow herself to be beaten down and marginalized and becomes a cleaning lady for organized crime. Using h...
- 罗蕾莱(劳伦·格拉汉姆 Lauren Graham 饰)未婚先孕,年仅十六岁便生下了女儿洛瑞(阿丽克西斯·布莱德尔 Alexis Bledel 饰),为此,她不惜与母亲艾米丽(Kelly Bishop 饰)和父亲理查德(爱德华·赫曼 Edward Herrmann 饰)决裂,离开了富有的家庭,靠着自己的倔强和努力独自抚养女儿。 时间流逝如同白驹过隙,如今,洛瑞已然成为了亭亭玉立的漂亮姑娘,罗蕾莱亦步入中年,幸运的是,独特的成长环境和极小的年龄差距反而让洛瑞和母亲之间宛如朋友,相处起来轻松又自然,同时,品学兼优的洛瑞拥有着考入哈佛大学新闻系的远大理想。亲情,友情,爱情,成长,在每一个人的生命里都留下了无法磨灭的印记。