搜索 穆罕默德·阿里

  • 幻影是基于2008年印度孟买的恐怖袭击拍摄的反战电影,展现恐怖分子侵害世界各地不同国家的事实。情节围绕着主人公Daniyal,寻求正义的旅程带他从印度到英国、 美国和动荡的叙利亚地区。他发现,像这样的任务总是要付出代价,在这种情况下,足以体现出一个正义者的价值。
  • 爱丽丝(劳米·拉佩斯 Noomi Rapace 饰)曾经是隶属于中情局的高级审讯官,在一次反恐任务中,她的疏忽导致了数十名百姓无辜丧生,受不了良心谴责的爱丽丝选择了辞职,并且彻底放下了过去,开始尝试着去过普通人的生活。   可就在爱丽丝渐渐以往了曾经的日子时,中情局找到了她,邀请她再度出山协助破案。在破案的过程里,爱丽丝渐渐发觉了其中的猫腻。种种线索都在表明,在中情局中隐藏着内鬼。就这样,爱丽丝凭借着一人之力开始了对于内鬼的调查,这也让她身处险境之中。偌大的中情局里,只有杰克(奥兰多·布鲁姆 Orlando Bloom 饰)在她最需要帮助的时候伸出了援手,可是爱丽丝却并不相信这个神秘的男人。
  • 特工斯特拉顿(多米尼克·库珀 Dominic Cooper 饰)的同事马蒂(泰勒·霍奇林 Tyler Hoechlin 饰)在一次任务中不幸丧生。斯特拉顿就此得知一名叛逃了的前苏联特工巴罗夫斯基(托马斯·克莱舒曼 Thomas Kretschmann 饰)拥有一批极为危险的生化武器,如今,他企图用这批生化武器来事实他的复仇大计。  为了阻止巴罗夫斯基的阴谋,斯特拉顿来到了罗马。汉克(奥斯汀·斯托维尔 Austin Stowell 饰)是马蒂最好的朋友,亦是行动小队中的一员,仇恨冲昏了他的头脑,他的失误导致整个行动计划失败了,巴罗夫斯基从他们的眼皮子底下逃之夭夭。一行人只得再度回到伦敦,重新计划,留给他们的时间不多了。
  • Unprecedented access to Muhammad Ali's personal archive of audio journals as well as interviews and testimonials from molikan.com his inner circle of family and friends are used to tell the legend's life story.
  • A man goes against the laws of God and man to help a friend, with unfortunate consequences, in this stylish drama from Turkish filmmaker Dervis Zaim. The story begins with a brief prologue set in the 13th Century, in which a calligrapher is completing a copy of the Koran and his assistant is sent out for ink so he can complete the project before an invading Mongol army attacks. Moving forward into the 21st Century, Selim Hodja (Serhat Kilic) is a descendent of the family that commissioned the Koran we saw in the preface. Selim has fallen on hard times and he wants to sell the rare holy book, and he turns to Ahmet (Mehmet Ali Nuroglu), an artist and calligrapher who has just finished a stretch in prison, for help in finding a buyer. Not willing to negotiate the black market for religious artifacts by himself, Ahmet turns to Cengiz (Mustafa Uzunyilmaz), a feared man in local organized crime circles, who says he can help them find a good price for the rare Koran. However, as Selim and Ahmet work more closely with Cengiz and his underlings, they're drawn deeper into a web of criminal behavior that they can't easily escape. Nokta (aka Dot) received its North American premiere at the 2008 Toronto World Film Festival.