- Castlevania: Nocturne, a new Netflix animated series, is officially in production. The series is led by showrunner Kevin Kolde and Creator/Writer Clive Bradley and produced by Project 51 Productions with production services provided by Powerhouse Animation. Castlevania: Nocturne follows Richter, a descendant of the Belmont family, popularized in the iconic Symphony of Night and Blood of Rondo Castlevania games.
- Channel 4及Netflix合拍的间谍6集剧《叛国者 Traitors》(前名《Jerusalem》)由Michael Stuhlbarg﹑Emma Appleton﹑Matt Lauria﹑Keeley Hawes及Luke Treadaway主演,Bash Doran主创兼执笔﹑Dearbhla Walsh及Alex Winckler执导。 《叛国者》背景在二战后,20多岁﹑充满野心的Feef Symonds(Emma Appleton饰演)于1945年加入了文官队伍,她因为情人Peter(Matt Lauria饰)及他的狂热同胞Rowe(Michael Stuhlbarg饰)影响下答应为美国监视自己的国家,以确保英格兰正蓬勃发展的社会主义不会受苏联利用。 Keeley Hawes饰演Feef的严格上司﹑Luke Treadaway饰演新当...