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  • 民国初年,爱国人士代表蔡氏向袁世凯痛陈廿一条不平等条约之利害,竟被扣押监禁。为营救蔡,革命党人多方奔走,却徒劳无功。后查悉侦缉队队长雷天宝有一胞妹玉英在山东,并派革命党人杨刚前往找寻。雷与其妹自幼被王大妈收养,革命党人希望玉英混入侦缉队刺探消息。岂料玉英早已夭折,王之义女陈小英,得知内情后,自告奋勇假冒玉英前往做内应。雷喜获兄妹重逢,安顿大妈及小英居雷家。无意间,小英得悉侦
  •   本片是邵氏不多的台湾制作武侠片。潘垒属于毫无兴趣营造动作奇观的那类,影片讲述了一个侠女复仇的故事。
  • 甘震幼时目睹全家惨遭疤面魔君杀害,他和仆人的孙女美珠由青龙派的徐光元收为弟子。岂料徐光元也惨遭毒手,忍无可忍的甘震为了报仇,偷偷混进疤面魔君的门下卧底。疤面魔君的女儿月娇对甘震极为爱慕,但疤面魔君的大弟子秦桀对甘震却是百般刁难。青龙派的师兄们认为甘震是个背信忘义的叛徒,甘震偷偷跑回家向师母和美珠解释,却被月娇发现。月娇忌妒甘震对美珠的感情,便将此事告诉疤面魔君,疤面魔君大为震怒,将甘震关进水牢严刑拷打。于心有愧的月娇不忍甘震受此酷刑,偷偷将他放走。秦桀奉命追杀甘震,并派人杀了师母和美珠。甘震一路逃亡,危急之时幸得一名红衣女侠所救,却在与秦桀交战之际失足掉下山崖。重伤的甘震被隐居山林的得道高人救起,原来红衣女侠也正是这名高人的女弟子。经过一年的休养及锻鍊,甘震决定下山复仇。临行前,高人赠与甘震百忍剑一把,并劝诫他,凡事要忍耐,否则操之过急必定失败。甘震为民除害,先杀秦桀,后杀疤面魔君,最后,撇下伤心欲绝的月娇,扬长而去。
  • George Harvey Bone is a composer in early 20th century London, who is under stress because he is writing a piano concerto. Due to this stress, he gets black outs when ever he hears dissonances. When he finds himself after the black out in a different quarter of the town, he returns home, to read in the paper that somebody in that quarter was murdered. Asking help from a doctor at Scotland Yard he is assured that he has nothing to do with it, but he is advised to cut back in his work and get some relaxation like other, ordinary people. At a cheap musical he meets Netta, a singer, who inspires him for a new motive for his concerto. But Netta discovers that this motive could also be used as a song for her. The song gets sold, and she hangs around George to get more songs out of him. George believes that Netta is in love with him, and gets in an argument with his girlfriend Barbara, the daughter of Lord Henry, who wants the concerto for one of his souares. George has another black out, ...
  • “Acapulco" tells the story of twenty-something Máximo Gallardo (Enrique Arrizon), whose dream comes true when he gets the job of a lifetime as a cabana boy at the hottest resort in Acapulco. He soon realizes the job is far more complicated than he ever imagined and in order to succeed, he must learn to navigate a demanding clientele, a mercurial mentor, and a complicated home l...