- 越南海关军官阮文泰常滥用职权压榨平民。曹芹南、通伯、家洛、阿斗、水仙和百合在越南时屡被阮欺压,立意偷渡来港,却于公海遭阮派人洗劫,女的更被强奸,曹妻因而折磨至死。曹等人几经辛苦,漂流抵港,在港经营餐厅生意。国际刑警查知阮以渡假为名,来港与黑道人物陆逢春勾结,把庞大军火运往荷兰,遂派女刑警歌狄亚联合国驻港国际刑警雅伦搜集阮之罪证。百合与水仙在夜总会中得罪陆之手下,曹等人出面摆平,与陆结怨。阮来港后得悉曹等人在此,恐他们坏其勾当,买凶杀他们。曹等人脱险后与歌狄亚联络,合力对抗阮,歌以美色诱阮,探得军火收藏地后通知曹把军火劫走。曹以军火逼阮交易,暗中在废屋四周布下死亡陷阱,连场大战瞬即展开......
- Opens with the lovely Pin dreaming about great sex with a bloke whom she soon meets in real life – he’s a security guard at her apartment block. There’s also a group of voyeur cops and their captain Fatty Pang who is always losing on the racehorses. Fatty spies on Pin in the shower one day and steals her red underwear. Pin keeps having lustful fantasies and sometimes has sex wi...