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  • A young girl suffering from amnesia after surviving a house fire that takes her childhood friend's life, begins a tormented road to recovery.
  • 劳拉(Laura)和瑞安(Ryan)彼此是完美的:他们俩都爱梅丽尔·斯特里普(Meryl Streep),之前的恋爱已将他们彻底摧毁,他们也不知道今晚应该做什么。 他们俩都知道,他们必须假装与以前完全不同,以期这次能做到正确。 第二次约会真的有多糟糕,还有什么要损失的? 瑞安(Ryan)和劳拉(Laura)即将发现。
  •   生活在英国小镇的小托,跟妈妈、两个哥哥,还有心生好感的姑娘莫莉,一起过着宁静、明亮、芬芳的生活。生活中也有悲伤、愁苦、失落,和看似解决不了的困境,每每这时,他们就唱起一首名叫《柑橘与柠檬啊》的歌。在歌声中,敏感、柔弱的小托慢慢长大。  战争的轰然来临,改变了所有人的生活。小托本能地逃避战争的行为,却被别人以及他自己认为是懦弱的。为了逃避这种羞耻,为了逃避爱情的挫败,小托谎报了年龄,和查理一起应征入伍。在战火中,小托对世界和自己有了更新的认识,他渐渐褪去了柔弱和怯懦,懂得坚强、担当和关怀,内心越来越强大。  时钟嘀嗒,十点五分、十点四十分、接近十一点一刻……时间一分一秒流逝,小托在怀表旁守候着,等待着天明,等待着结局。  第二天,清晨差一分六点,读者终于随着小托的回忆,走回现实的当下,揭开故事的最终秘密……一夕回忆,水样春愁的童年陡然步入悲怆不休的少年。     这是一个孩子如何在困境和希望中长大的故事,而我们——经过了无数欢乐、哀愁、恩怨、挫折、沮丧、寂寞、谎言、猜疑的大人们,也在这里,看到始终存在于自己内心的——那个儿童。
  • Every year, 310 killings in France go unsolved, leaving the victims' crushed families in a state of endless grief. The French judicial system is implacable: there's no money to continue investigating cases that lead nowhere. Hunting down murderers to help bereaved families get justice is more than just a job, it's a duty for Thomas Bareski, a retired, hotshot police detective. ...
  •   An uplifting and heartwarming story about finding the magic of Christmas, no matter where you might be, This Is Christmas follows Adam (Alfred Enoch) and Emma (Kaya Scodelario) as they make their daily commute from the picture-perfect village of Langton to London for work. Every day they share their journey with the same characters, but they all keep themselves to themselves. But then one day, in the build-up to Christmas, Adam breaks the unwritten rule of travel and starts talking to the strangers on the train, inviting the whole carriage to hold their own Christmas party.