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  • 盗贼麦尔斯(马丁·劳伦斯 Martin Lawrence 饰)与三名同伙合作盗窃钻石,岂料其中一人德克背叛了他们,警方被惊动,麦尔斯走投无路,只得逃跑中将钻石藏在一栋未完工的大楼通风管道里,之后束手就擒。两年后,麦尔斯刑满释放,但外面的一切似乎都已改变,女友不再需要他,而当年他藏钻石的那栋楼居然变成了——警察局!为了取回钻石,麦尔斯偷到ID卡,又凭借伪造的档案乔装成警察混入警局,由于警方缺人手,假警察麦尔斯很快得到任命,和菜鸟探员卡森(卢克·威尔逊 Luke Wilson 饰)结成搭档。麦尔斯凭借自己的盗窃经验很快表现出位,在警局得到重用,而管道中的钻石经过冲洗后下落不明,麦尔斯只得坚持假装下去。不久,德克为了得到麦尔斯的钻石再次出现……
  •   影片讲述了前CIA成员因为手握重要情报,遭到了各方势力的追杀的故事。
  • 洁米是一名摄影师,拥有自己的摄影工作室,她的男友艾萨克一心钻研跨越平行世界的方法,在艾萨克失踪后不久,警方发现了艾萨克的遗体,但从艾萨克失踪起,洁米就不断地看见他的身影。每次艾萨克都会告诉洁米,他找到了跨越平行世界的方法,艾萨克还恳求洁米踏上他们早已规划好的旅程,前往异国岛屿。
  • Umberto Lenzi is undoubtedly the king of Italian crime movies, but unfortunately; Syndicate Sadists is not the best examples of his work in this genre. Lenzi's crime flicks tend to be a cut above the rest because he makes films based on stories with a point, and they don't lack direction; but this film feels a bit too wayward to fully fit with the rest of his stuff. The film takes obvious influence from Sergio Leone's landmark western 'A Fistful of Dollars' (which in turn, took influence from Akira Kurosawa's landmark samurai flick Yojimbo), in that it features two warring families and a strong character at the centre. The crime that Lenzi focuses on is kidnapping, and we centre on a character called 'Rambo'. Rambo is dragged into the war between the two families after his brother is killed because of it. Rambo uses his brains and brawn to pit the two families against one another, in the hope of gaining revenge for his brother's death, rescuing a young boy that they've kidnapped, and ultimately letting the two sides destroy one another.  The film's biggest asset is undoubtedly Tomas Milian. Milian was put to great use by Lenzi in almost all of his crime thrillers. The range of characters he has played for Lenzi is immense, and this one is easily one of the coolest. The character is called Rambo, which immediately sprang to mind the popular Sylvester Stallone character - but for once, the Italians actually haven't stolen this name as Syndicate Sadists was released first! As usual, the film is wickedly entertaining, as we get to watch Milian get himself involved in the usual array of car chases, shootouts and brawls. Lenzi has got him riding a motorbike this time round, and every scene featuring it and Milian is a real standout! However, the film often feels like it doesn't really have anywhere to go, and this means that the running time is stretched out more than it should be. Compared to the crime films of other Italian directors, Syndicate Sadists is more than above average; but in relation to Lenzi crime flicks such as Almost Human and The Cynic, The Rat and The Fist - it doesn't stand tall as one of Lenzi's best. Still, if you're looking for ninety minutes of testosterone fuelled mayhem - Syndicate Sadists will suffice!
  • 一伙悍匪趁夜袭击了一名年轻女子所在的医院来寻找他们的犯罪证据——残留在女子腿部的一颗子弹。一位受命保护女子的老警察成了此时女子免遭杀害的唯一希望。