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  • 10-year-old Vinski feels like an outsider and invisible among his age-mates, and even with his single mother Krista. Vinski meets a mysterious pharmacist who gives him a bottle of magical powder. A powder, that allows you to become invisible for real and walk through walls. It is fantastic to have the powers of a super hero, but soon a group of crooks becomes interested in the secret of invisibility as well.
  • Gangacharan是村里新来的婆罗门(印度僧侣)。在村里,他承担了多种职责。包括教书,组织宗教事务,预防流行病等等。在1943年的印度,时局动荡,战争频仍。乡村上方经常有飞机呼叫盘旋,发出战争的信号。此时,饥荒开始侵袭村民,食物的极度希缺对于已经被战争搅得人心惶惶的村民来说,简直是一次灾难性的生存难关。Gangacharan决定运用他的僧侣身份和特权为村民们争取利益,躲过饥荒。同时,Ganga...
  •   An immigrant bride to a battered wife into an unlikely media sensation.
  •   尽管父亲是著名的婚外情调查专家,尽管见识过了无数的忠贞感情最终化为泡影,艾莲(奥黛丽·赫本 Audrey Hepburn 饰)却依旧对爱情有着无限的期望和憧憬,她甚至觉得,只有那些明知不道德却还要迎难而上的恋情才能算的上是真爱。一次偶然中,艾莲结识了父亲的调查对象法兰肯(加里·库柏 Gary Cooper 饰)——一个在情场上如鱼得水的风流浪子。   艾莲捏造了虚假的身份,开始在法兰肯面前扮演起了神秘女郎的角色,没想到,自己的纯情和真挚竟然猎得了这位浪子的真心。法兰肯拜托私家侦探调查艾莲的踪迹,没想到这位侦探正是艾莲的父亲。迫于父亲的压力,本来心心相印的两人只得分手,一对天设地造的情侣眼看这就要擦身而过。
  • Zehra, a female Kurdish fighter, faces the deadly threat of ISIS while guiding her fellow fighters to defend their city, Kobane. A real story of war, sacrifice, love and hope that left the whole world on tenterhooks.