搜索 King

  • A 'mockumentary' about David Moore, the filmmaker who first dreamed of sharks in a tornado and brought on disaster by using real sharks. The first SHARKNADO was to be a movie never seen, a crime never reported, a tale never told. Until now.
  • the Lionheart, before he ascended to become King of England, as he must fight for his life and learn the responsibilities of leadership amidst a treacherous ambush.
  • 雷神邪恶的兄弟洛基逃离阿斯加德,寻找九界之树伊格德拉西尔。这棵树拥有宇宙的力量,被隐藏在地球上。在巨狼神芬利尔的帮助下,洛基计划摧毁这棵树,并以自己的形象重新种植,让他统治一切。现在,托尔必须跟随洛基来到地球,展开一场史诗般的战斗,使两个世界保持平衡。又名: 山寨版雷神
  • Also new to the slate is recently completed Australian title Rough Stuff, an action-adventure story about an activist group which makes a dubious deal with a group of treasure seekers and their modified four-wheel-drives on an expedition through the Australian outback.
  •   体形硕大,但却动作敏捷的斯蒂芬·西格自从潜龙轰天赢得了千万观众的拥戴之后,很多他的作品都被译成某某潜龙。这次的深海潜龙是讲得什么故事呢?这次西格是个专门替美国政府干脏活的突击队长,因为执行任务时手段过于残忍被判重刑。正在服刑期间,美国政府发现在拉丁美洲一个小国的秘密基地内有人正在研制成功控制人类意识的催眠方法,而派去摧毁这一基地的特工大多有去无回。无奈之下政府启用西格以及他一同服刑的手下。任务很明确:摧毁基地,解救俘虏。西格和他的一班神勇将士,轻松地完成了任务。谁知,归途中噩梦开始了... ...