搜索 Bon

  • 潘是个勤奋的人。自从他父母去世后,他辍学开始工作来养活自己和他的小弟弟。潘先生在他租来的房子前开了一个露天货摊,但几乎入不敷出。那是在他的一个顾客招募他为他朋友拥有的一家酒店当厨师之前。酒店老板通(音)是一位年轻而头脑发热的商人。他们实际上以前见过面,他们对彼此的印象不好。当潘发现通是这家旅馆的老板时,他立即拒绝在那里工作。然而,通要求他做这项工作,他不想被人看不起,所以决定接受这个职位。通一尝就喜欢上了潘的菜,但又不想丢脸,就跟潘说菜难吃。这两个人见面总是打架。但是过了一段时间,他们每天的争吵发展成了一些特别的事情  Poon is a hardworking guy. Ever since his parents passed away, he quit school and started working to provide for himself and his little brother. Poon opened a somtum stall in front of his rented house but could barely make ends meet. That was until one of his customers recruited him as a chef for a hotel owned by his friend.  The hotel owner, Tian, is a young and hot-headed businessman. They had actually met each other before and they had bad impression of each other. When Poon found out that Tian was the hotel owner he immediately refused to work there.  However, Tian challenged him to do the job and, not wanting to be looked down at, he decided to accept the position.  Tian fell in love with Poon's food once he tasted it but didn't want to lose his face, so he told Poon that the food was horrible. These two always fought when they see each other. But after some time, their daily spat grew into something special.
  • Ravee和Janis已经结婚了三年,但一直没有怀上孩子。两人用尽一切办法,包括自然受孕和人工受孕。Ravee的父母Krit和Rachanee都充满期待,希望能够早日抱孙子。但是Ravee却不认真对待,因为不管Janis怀没怀上孩子,他都觉得无所谓,因为他觉得这不是自己生活的重点。不管怎样他都爱着自己的妻子,但这样子更是让Janis心存愧疚。Janis一直觉得是自己让这个家庭不完整的。   直到Janis遇到了Rita——一直渴望爱情的美丽嫩模,Rita小时候因为一件往事对Janis充满了恨意。Janis对Rita很满意,也很喜欢她,而Rita则利用这个机会插足Janis的婚姻生活,并且要毁了她的家庭。很快,两人的关系就亲密起来了,还认识了Janis的丈夫Ravee。而Janis的好朋友Ganda则提醒她说Rita来者不善,但是Janis却不信自己的朋友...
  •   Alain and Marie moved to the suburb house of their dreams. But the real estate agent warned them : what is in the basement may well change their lives forever.
  •   弗朗索瓦在國內最著名的中學任教,他非常享受現時所過的生活,交往的都是巴黎的知識分子和有錢人。一次突發的情況使他被迫接受到位於巴黎市郊貧民區的一間學校工作,這讓他必須面對自己的局限,更推翻了他原來的價值觀和信念。
  •   Fifteen year-old Taylor Collins is a golf legacy. The son of a PGA veteran, the younger brother of a PGA rookie, he has all the talent in the world-but wants nothing to do with golf or the pressure of being the next in line. After Taylor purposely blows his tryout for the school team, his disappointed father takes a drive that ends in a texting-while-driving accident and lands him in a coma. Taylor blames himself and, with the guidance of his brother and the prayer support from his mother Jenny and newfound crush Bailey, makes it his mission to get back on the team and become the first freshman in state history to lead his team to a state championship. Faith, hope, and love bring Taylor and his family closer than ever and he learns that the greatest way to honor his father and his God is to embrace the gifts and talents he was given.