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  •   贝朗特(法布莱斯·鲁奇尼 Fabrice Luchini 饰)是一名出色的律师,专门为重刑犯进行辩护,败在他伶牙俐齿之下的对手比比皆是。此次,他来到摩纳哥,是为了替一位涉嫌谋杀的富有贵妇工作,贵妇不仅为贝朗特安排了豪华的客房,更派了一个名为克里斯多弗(罗什迪·泽姆 Roschdy Zem 饰)的保镖在贝朗特的身边,保护他的安全。  一次偶然中,贝朗特结识了美艳不可方物的气象预报员奥黛丽(露易丝·布尔昆 Louise Bourgoin 饰),贝朗特瞬间坠入了爱河。令贝朗特感到意外的是,奥黛丽竟然是克里斯多弗的前女友,三人复杂的关系让贝朗特陷入了困扰之中。对于奥黛丽来说,挤进上流社会是她唯一的梦想,至于踏板是谁,她并不在意,奥黛丽的梦想能够成真吗?她最终又将情归何处呢?
  • 英国富豪温斯洛家族的13岁幼子,被怀疑偷窃5先令的邮资而遭到退学的命运,在极具声望的父亲、倡导人权的姐姐和一位具社会影响力的律师多方奔走下,他们不惧偏激的舆论攻讦,能否洗刷家耻呢?
  • 一段可怕难忘的经历,致使麦士活在阴影的恐惧下,原来,他遇上一次空难意外,虽然侥幸生还,但始终无法摆脱心魔。同时,另一生还者嘉莉也有着同一问题,他俩须经常接受心理辅导,但最后发觉只有互相扶持才能冲破生命中的障碍。
  • This is a story of lifetime. A story full of spiritual power biography, behind which stays a whole age in the national development of Bulgaria.  Reality Fantasy, 6 May 2006  Author lordsin from Bulgaria  This is one of the best movies I've seen. Some may say it has no sense, but if you look closely you'll notice that this movie is a philosophical masterpiece. It shows several scenes of life in the village and then the brilliant Rangel Vulchanov puts reality into a boy's fantasies. The movie jumps from birth to death, from wedding to funeral, from joy to sorrow, from reality to fantasy, from war to peace. There are lots of laughable moments for the comedy fans, and there's drama for the drama fans. You won't forget this movie once you've seen it. It's a true gem! It will give you all you want even more...One of the best Bulgarian movies ever made. Better than all of the French movies altogether!
  • 年轻的服务员欢迎他的丈夫回到南非小镇的家中,丈夫在狱中呆了四年。最初他打算重新开始,可一桩杀人事件把他重新卷入暴力之中……