- 电视剧版《功夫熊猫》集中讲述了熊猫阿宝在成为“神龙大侠”不久后又面对的重重艰难考验,剧情将填补两部电影版《功夫熊猫》之间的空隙,人物设定将沿用电影版,“中国元素”仍将成为其亮点。此外,电视剧版《功夫熊猫》中将出现不少新角色,“他们大都是反派,功夫盖世,对阿宝造成不小的威胁。”
- An explosive loner and his slacker best friend are waylaid from their journey into legend, only to find that their story is just beginning.
- 阿波罗(贾斯汀·朗 Justin Long 配音)是一只蟋蟀,同时也是一名正在流浪旅途中的艺术家。这一天,阿波罗来到了一片神秘的花园之中,阿波罗必须为获得留在这里的资格而付出努力,同时,阿波罗还要应付一心想要陷害他的黄蜂温蒂(劳丽·海姆斯 Laurie Hymes 配音)。 这一天,阿波罗邂逅了蜂后玛格丽特(凯特·玛拉 Kate Mara 配音),两人一起散步约会唱歌,好不快乐。哪知道,土匪飞蛾斯芬克斯(Ryan Nicolls 配音)带着他的爪牙绑架了玛格丽特,而温蒂则趁此机会谋权篡位,坐上了王座。为了救出玛格丽特,阿波罗挺身而出,和玛格丽特的一干好友们展开了和温蒂的周旋。
- Marie, an independent and militant sex worker who has never needed to rely on anyone, not even to raise her son. When the latter is thrown off his post-graduate cookery course, Marie is unable to make her peace with it. Dreaming of a greater future for him, she decides to sign him up for one of the best cookery schools in France, but her income won’t cover the tuition fees. She...