搜索 Ana

  • 气象专家 Melonie Sunshine(Priyanka 饰)返回家乡,着手处理家庭婚礼事宜。她意想不到的商业伙伴尼克·彩虹(柯蒂斯·洛弗尔饰)却另有计划。
  • 阿纳斯以前是一名说唱歌手,他在卡萨布兰卡一个工人社区的文化中心找到了工作。在这位新老师的鼓励之下,学生们努力摆脱传统的束缚,通过嘻哈来表达自己,对生活更加充满热情。
  •   The synopsis introduces Montse (played by Emma Vilarasau), who is very excited because she is about to spend a weekend with the whole family at her house in Cadaqués, on the Costa Brava. She has been divorced for a long time, her ex has a new partner and her children have grown up and are living their lives without paying much attention to her. But nothing and nobody can take away her spirits or her excitement. She has been waiting for this moment for too long and has been dreaming of it. This weekend will be perfect... even if she has to burn everything to the ground to make it so.
  • 《泰洞救援》改编自令人难以置信的新闻,这一新闻曾震惊全球,讲述了泰国青年足球队和他们的教练不为人知的故事,他们被困在地球上最危险的洞穴之一,他们的家人、泰国人民和来自世界各地的志愿者共同努力对抗大自然,争分夺秒拯救该球队。
  •   Jattawa看似普通的法律系学生,但她有控制时间的能力。她的妹妹昕薇有预见未来的能力。然而最近,昕薇的观点似乎是错误的。因此,她发现很容易不相信她最近的预测,P'Four,一个名声不好的大学学姐,是她未来的情人。  Kantana Motion Pictures Co., Ltd.制作  根据 Zezeho 的小说改编