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  •   "圣诞节虽然就要泡汤,他们仍携手同心。11 月 28 日观赏《佳节闹翻天》,Netflix 独家。  罗玛尼·麦柯饰演大受欢迎的广播 DJ。他收到他四个被宠坏的孩子的圣诞礼物清单,但时机不巧,罗玛尼也偏偏刚丢了工作,于是他们只能搬到比较小的房子。也因为这样,他们终于了解物质不代表一切,虽然拥有的东西少了,收穫却可能远超过他们的想像。"
  • Hopeful romantic Thibault believes his luck could change when sparks fly between him and Rose. But can he go from bestie to boyfriend.
  • Divided into three kingdoms -- Enfer (Hell), Purgatoire (Purgatory) and Paradis (Paradise) -- Notre Musique is an indictment of modern times.    頑皮老頭高達在新作挑釁如常,堅持如舊,對電影愛情如一,但從形式到內容,卻續有新境。比前作《愛之頌》更練達更擊中要害,是他近年最激的反思作品。三段結構的開篇〈地獄〉,戰地實錄與荷里活戰爭片交替,寓意彰甚:人類真會嗜戰。〈煉獄〉借薩拉熱窩做說書人,真實與虛構人物(包括高達自己)到此舉行文化圓桌會議,大家在寬恕迷宮中兜轉,唯有佇立已修復的莫斯塔古橋,才感一絲希望。高達最後領我們到〈天堂〉,人間竟有春色如許?但-有美軍駐守!全片最動人一幕:學生問 DV 可否打救電影?高達哀哀面向鏡頭,良久不語......
  • Nour, a 14-year-old boy, is enjoying the beginning of the summer holidays in the South of France. He is the youngest of four brothers. They live together in a council estate, taking turns caring for their mother who is in a coma. She used to love Italian Opera, so Nour plays it for her, and develops a passion for that music. Between community work and rising tensions at home, N...
  •   埃文·彼得斯出演讲述澳洲女歌手海伦·瑞迪的传记片[我是女人](I Am Woman,暂译)。导演Unjoo Moon,影片聚焦上世纪七十年代澳洲知名女歌手海伦·瑞迪,片名出自瑞迪演唱的同名歌曲,该歌曲曾被选为当时女权运动的主题曲。蒂尔达·格哈姆-哈维饰瑞迪,埃文·彼得斯饰瑞迪的丈夫杰夫·沃尔德,也是她的经纪人。影片将在澳大利亚开机。