- Separated from his family and caught in a cycle of gambling and debt, Jim has less than a day to repay a violent loan shark. His day is turned upside down when he must look after his young. Jim's relationship with his son is tested as his plans to pay back the loan fail. When his last desperate effort to repay the debt puts his son's life at risk, he must make a choice between his past and a second chance at life.
- 波兰首部3D片《华沙保卫战》将于9月23日上映。该片反映了1920年波兰人民抵抗苏联红军入侵的著名战役,造价约830万美元,是波兰史上投入最高的影片之一。夹在世界上两个最好战的大国德国与俄罗斯中间的波兰俗称欧洲“垫脚布”——谁出门都要踩上一脚。正是一个多灾多难的国家对历史有种特殊的偏好,广从电影票房上来看,波兰史上最为卖座的四部影片《剑与火》、《塔杜斯先生》、《你往何处去》以及《卡廷惨案》全都是以历史事件为题材的影片。波兰人民的大国理想也只有通过电影这种艺术形式才能得到伸张和舒展。而这部《华沙保卫战》虽然没什么出奇之处,但从气势恢宏的预告片看到波兰的诗人、歌女、神父统统揭竿而起,对苏联两位领导人描绘也是“举重若轻”,倒流露一丝浑不吝的气魄。