搜索 Davis

  •   Coming of age tale told through the eyes of 'Tu', an ambitious young man from Auckland who dreams of being a professional hip-hop dancer.
  •   Russian operatives hijack a commercial American jet, planning to crash it into a nuclear power plant near Washington, D.C. resulting in fallout that will devastate the Eastern seaboard. With little time for Air Force fighters to shoot it down, the passengers and crew aboard the aircraft must rely on their own military and civilian training to stop the terrorists before it's too late.
  • 香港高级警司罗聪天触犯贪污条例,被迫逃往美国,其子罗宾在港夺得黑帮名册,赶往美国交给聪天,希望能洗脱父贪污的罪名,黑帮杀手亚健、小文追踪至美国。摧花狂魔魔鬼鱼四处作案,残害少妇。罗宾之弟米高和街头女霸王大姐大之妹一同遇害,罗宾与大姐大发誓要掀到凶犯。亚健、小文勾结美国黑帮暗杀了聪天,但名册却失踪,追查魔鬼鱼的罗宾又被亚健一伙追杀,在其腹背后敌之际,邂逅了聪天的义女珊珊,得知名册由她保存,罗宾与大姐大在警方的配合下消灭了魔鬼鱼,亚健一伙也被绳之以法。最后罗宾携带名册,只身上路……
  • 因为一场战役,死亡开始正在这蔓延,直到30个部落只剩下5个。聪明的人知道怎么可以让他们自己活下来,于是他们呼吁结束这场死亡战争,来拯救仅存活下来的人。这5个部落,最终他们签订了和平协议,每个部落都赋予自己保护自己性命的权利。他们的和平协议可以一直持续下去吗?
  • Petty Officer Michael Davis (Jeremy Davis) is the newbie to SEAL Team VI, but after his first mission the young soldier is weathered beyond hid years. His first assignment as for the elite black ops squad is as Communications Officer for the micro ground assault team that enabled surgical aerial assaults of strategic targets in Iraq, priming allied forces for the what is now kn...